Saturday 9 February 2013

Nutrition and Training

Step 2: Omega-3 Fish Oils
Of all the supplements you can take, one of the most important is fish oil, specifically Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Our modern diet does not provide nearly enough of this critical nutrient as we need, which is why it’s so important to take additional Omega 3’s through supplementation. Here are some reasons why Omega-3’s are so important:
 Omega 3’s help to switch off the genes that store fat (lipogenic) and to turn on the genes that break down fat (lipolytic)

Help to increase utilization of fat stores as energy from the fat cells
 Helps to reduce inflammation causes by sports and intense training.
 Reduces pain as a result of decreased inflammation
 Helps to improve mental focus, memory and overall brain function
 Increases levels of serotonin (makes you feel happy), which has a very positive effect on mood and control of carb cravings
 They can help to reduce risk of a laundry list of diseases, including heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure and diabetes

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