Saturday 9 February 2013

Nutrition and Training

Step 1: Water
Our bodies are made up of over 75% water. Without proper hydration, we will very quickly impair normal body function. For health, body composition and/or athletic performance, it is extremely important that we drink adequate amounts of water. Here are some of the main benefits of optimal water intake:
Helps to control cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can cause excessive oxidative stress to the body and brain. High cortisol levels also impair your ability to lose weight.

Helps to regulate body temperature, especially important during exercise.
 Delivers nutrients and oxygen throughout the body

Helps to detoxify your kidneys and liver, especially from environmental pollution and the poisons we unknowingly eat

Helps with the absorption of your vitamins and minerals

Helps to protect your body from injury by lubricating the joints

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