Tuesday 23 February 2016

10 warming waistline friendly foods

With the winter blues kicking in and the swimsuit season still so far away, many of us are tempted to overindulge on comfort foods that make the cold winter season a bit more bearable. However, comfort eating needn't mean piling on the pounds. For warming comfort foods that are kind on your waistline, check out these healthy winter foods.
Healthy ideas to help you ease into the New Year


A great way to use leftovers, stuffed peppers or mushrooms are also a satisfying and filling food option that will save you reaching for seconds. Using plenty of vegetables and flavours such as chilli, tomatoes and spring onions you will have a filling, comforting meal without the unwanted calories. A healthy alternative to roast potatoes and stuffing, this dish will also count towards your five a day.

Muffin top

Rather than reaching for calorie-rich puddings and cakes, try making some healthy muffins to bring comfort to those cold winter days. Using flavours such as cinnamon and honey instead of sugar, and vegetable oil rather than butter, you will have a sweet treat without adding to your muffin top! Throw in some seeds and dried fruit to up the nutritional value.

Warming drink

It’s tempting to opt for rich hot chocolates or creamy lattes to keep you warm while you’re out and about, but choosing an equally warming and uplifting hot beverage such as chai tea or green tea with cranberry will save you a lot of sugar and fat, will hydrate you and leave you feeling refreshed instead of sleepy – perfect to motivate you into a walk or trip to the gym.

Hearty soup

Stocking up on some filling soup will be a comforting way to warm yourself up while getting some of your five a day. Make some yourself using butternut squash, lentils and chilli, or stock up on the fresh varieties of sugar and cream-free ready-made soups. Accompanied by some soda bread and a sprinkling of sunflower seeds you’ll be full of goodness and not reaching for the biscuit tin.

Healthy toastie

This classic warming comfort food doesn’t have to be a belly buster; there are lighter options that are just as satisfying. Try using wholemeal wraps instead of bread and fill them with beans, spring onion, avocado and a sprinkling of cheddar. Toast until golden and you’ll have a healthy Mexican dish that won’t pile on the pounds. Adding spices will tantalise your taste buds and prevent you seeking flavour in less healthy options.

Chocolate cravings

Chocolate features greatly in many of our food cravings, and it can be difficult to resist a sneaky bar here and there. To satisfy your sugar craving, and so you’re not missing out completely, opt for a few squares of dark chocolate or Brazil nuts and dried fruit dipped in dark chocolate. The antioxidants will see you through the cold weather when you’re prone to feeling run down.

Take it away!

Despite feeling tired and in need of comfort, don’t automatically order a takeaway. To replace your favourite Indian takeaway, opt instead for a homemade vegetable curry, packed with spinach, chick peas and tomatoes, as well as the essential spices and chillies to keep your immune system in check. As a comforting yet healthy replacement for your Chinese takeaway, consider a noodle stir-fry with prawns. The protein from the prawns will keep you fuller for longer and save you reaching for the phone to order your usual.


Risotto can be seen as a stodgy and rich dish, but only if you have a cream and butter laden one. There are lots of lighter risotto options that are just as comforting and satisfying and make a nice alternative to common indulgences like macaroni cheese and beef wellington. Try butternut squash, sage and chestnut risotto for a healthy, tasty meal. Risotto is also a great way to use leftover meats, vegetables and herbs.

Winter salad

Don’t be put off just yet! Yes, salad doesn’t sound like the most comforting replacement for the rich foods you are craving, but there are lots of interesting ways to make the humble salad more filling and exciting. Try toasted chestnuts, warm pears with a cranberry dressing or flaked almonds, turkey and redcurrants. The more colourful the salad the better.


A common New Year’s resolution is to go teetotal, but if that seems as if it will be too much of a shock to the system, try lighter alcoholic options instead. A small glass of anti-oxidant rich red wine is a good place to start, especially if you warm it up with slices of orange and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Or, there are in fact many brands of non-alcoholic beers and wines available, not forgetting that on a night out you can have some fruity ‘mocktails.’

Monday 22 February 2016

Mindless eating’ causes us to eat 43 per cent more food than we should

While we may think we are eating healthily, research suggests that many of us are mindlessly over-eating and consuming a mountain of food every year.
Mindless eating causes overconsumption
The research commissioned by Weight Watchers reveals that Brits are consuming 43 per cent more food than they should.
The study found that the average person is consuming 1,270kg each year – which is the equivalent of a whole football team or 14 baby elephants, and which is 384kg more than we need.
‘Fatty spreads’ were found to be the biggest source of overconsumption, with the average Brit consuming seven times more than is recommended.
The research also found that we eat almost four times the amount of meat we should, more than double the amount of bread and three times as many cakes and biscuits.
According to Zoe Hellman, Head of Public Health, Weight Watchers, this overconsumption is a common feature of today’s “food laden environment”, which makes it difficult for many of us to make healthier choices.
She said: “The current epidemic of over-eating is hugely influenced by today's overloaded food environment.
“With the increased popularity of coffee shop culture and eating on the go it seems that, everywhere you turn, there is yet another place you can buy food, cooked and ready to eat.”
The researchers believe that today’s food-based culture and the increase in portion sizes combine to create a process of “mindless eating” where people are unaware of many food choices they make every day.
To cut back on mindless snacking, here are some common diet saboteurs and how you can avoid them:

The cinema

Problem: With all the tempting treats on offer, a trip to the cinema can be a real diet-breaker unless you are blessed with strong willpower. While air-popped popcorn is a great nutritious and diet-friendly snack, when butter and sugar are added into the equation, the tasty snack can quickly lose its healthy credentials and cinema popcorn can be extremely high in fat and calories.
Solution: Try sneaking in a healthier low-calorie packet of savoury popcorn, or go for a small portion of salted popcorn and share with a friend. Alternatively, take some dried fruit crisps for a crunchy snack without the fat and calories.

Your workplace

Problem: Whether you’re hankering after birthday cake in the kitchen, being tempted by refreshments at staff meetings, attending fancy business lunches or being inundated with edible gifts from grateful patients or parents, your workplace can be a source of constant food temptation, and there can be a lot of peer pressure to indulge.
Solution: Bring in some healthy snacks to leave in the kitchen for next time you are tempted to indulge, or ask in work about the possibility of getting a fruit delivery for you and your colleagues to snack on at your desks and in meetings. Also, make it clear to your colleagues that you are eating healthily – after a few attempts they will most likely give up trying to persuade you to cave in.

Coffee shops

Problem: Meeting a friend for a coffee may seem like a healthier option than getting together for lunch or an evening meal. However, even if you manage to resist the tempting cakes and treats on offer, many speciality coffees are rich in cream, whole milk and syrups and can contain as many calories as a dessert.
Solution: Ditch the whipped cream and swap rich and sugary coffees for skinny lattes, espressos and cappuccino made with skimmed milk. While these may not seem as appetising as your usual beverage, your waistline will be eternally grateful!

Sunday 21 February 2016

5 surprising secrets for a flatter stomach

WARNING: after reading these flat stomach tips you may experience strong, uncontrollable urges that will cause you to flash your flat belly in public. Proceed with caution:
Woman flat stomach and how to get a flat stomach tips

Stop doing so many crunches

Most people think that to achieve a flat, toned stomach you need to do a thousand crunches every morning before work, but that’s just not true. The surprising secret is that doing lots of ab specific exercises will only help you tone that area on a short-term basis, if at all.
To get the flat stomach you want, you have to work your entire core, building up its strength and flexibility. Doing exercises like Pilates or stability ball work will help you do this. Working your core is the key to achieving a flat stomach because it works all of the muscles in your stomach area, such as the rectus abdominis, your internal and external obliques and your transversus abdominis.

Stock up on whole grains

A study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered a surprising secret for a flatter stomach. The study gave participants a healthy diet to eat, consisting of fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish. However, they gave one set of participants wholegrain foods to eat and the other set of participants refined grain foods.
At the end of the study those participants who had eaten the wholegrain foods had lost more weight from their stomachs than those who ate the refined grain foods. The researchers believe that the participants who ate more whole grains and ate less refined carbs lost more from their waistlines because this change in diet mobilised people’s fat stores because of a shift in their glucose and insulin response. If you want to swap refined grains for whole grains, eat less yeast-based breads, pasta and cakes or cookies and eat more foods such as oats (which contains as many antioxidants as broccoli and spinach), brown rice and wheat berries.

Get some sleep

It may seem as though sleep has nothing to do with your dream of having a flat stomach, but it does. If you don’t get enough sleep then your hormone levels change, which can make you feel hungry and can also make you feel less satisfied once you have eaten. This can lead to overeating. Plus those late nights watching TV or going out with friends gives you more time to snack and reach for unhealthy foods.
So, how much sleep should you be getting? The Mayo Clinic advises adults that they should sleep for no less than seven hours a night. If you struggle to get this much sleep make sure you are exercising regularly, that you don’t nap during the day and that  you eat foods that contain tryptophan (an amino acid that helps you sleep), such as chicken, milk and yoghurt.

Time your meals

If you eat food quickly then you might find that you are eating more than you actually need to. Slowing down the pace you eat meals at will help you to achieve a flatter stomach because you will eat smaller portions. Also a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that eating quickly did not allow the hormone that makes you feel full to kick in. Therefore when eating quickly you are far more likely to eat more than is necessary.
To stop eating so quickly you should make sure you eat at your dining table and do not eat in front of the TV. Concentrating and savouring what you are tucking into will help slow down the rate you eat at. You could also set a timer and try to consciously slow down so that you eat the last bites of your food when the timer goes off. Also, a study found that soft lighting and gentle music helped participants eat less quickly so you could always dim the lights and put on some Enya too.

Tuck into some enzymes

An enzyme that will help you achieve a flatter stomach is called bromelain and it can be found in pineapples. The bromelain enzyme digests protein and is called a proteolytic enzyme. It is useful for those who want a flatter stomach because it aids the digestion of foods that are high in fibre, such as beans or vegetables. By aiding the digestion of these foods this enzyme eases bloating, which is a major obstacle that stands between many people and their flat stomachs.
If you want to get a flat stomach and think the bromelain enzyme might help you to achieve this then you should eat some fresh pineapple before a meal to aid your digestion. The enzyme can also be taken as a supplement.

Saturday 20 February 2016

10 steps to your best body

From a slightly flabby tummy to undefined arms, there tends to be one area of our bodies even the fittest of us dislike. This article will show you how to get your best body ever.
10 steps to your best body

Exercise before breakfast

Researchers at the University of Glasgow found that when people went for an hour long walk before their breakfast they burnt off more fat both during their walk and after their workout, compared to those who worked out later in the day. So, although you may not like early mornings, surely setting your alarm clock an hour earlier is worth it if you get your best body ever from an early morning blast of exercise?

Lift weights

Ladies, don’t skip this point just because it involves lifting weights. Ideally, to lose weight and tone up both men and women need to do a mix of cardiovascular exercise and strength training exercises. Lifting weights is great for toning up and losing weight because the more muscle your body has, the more calories your body burns – whether you are exercising or not. This is because the energy cost of having more muscle mass is more than for any other body tissue, and so if you tone up, you will increase your calorie burn 24 hours a day.

Pop to the bathroom regularly

The diabetes journal Diabetologica recently published findings suggesting that those people who sat down all day at work are at a greater risk of putting on weight. Shockingly, these desk jobs also put workers at greater risk of developing serious diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease, even if the workers exercised regularly.
Getting up and moving about as much as possible at work will lower your chances of gaining weight or developing these diseases though, so try to get out of your seat as much as possible, by doing things like getting up to speak to your colleague rather than sending them an email or popping to the bathroom regularly.

Girls, do the downward dog

Findings from a two year long study conducted by the University of Otago found that women who participated in yoga, positive visualisation and meditation ended up losing more weight than those ladies who only focused on exercising and nutrition. After two years, those women who practised yoga, positive visualisation and meditation ended up losing five and a half pounds, or 2.5kg.

Watch a horror film

Some days you need to take a break and skip the gym. The next time you feel like a rest day make sure you watch a scary movie. Research undertaken by the University of Westminster found that watching a horror film that scares you affects your heart rate and oxygen intake, which in turn helps you to burn 184 calories.

Turn your dining room into a fancy restaurant

A study published in the journal Psychological Reports found that dimming the lights and turning down the music in a fast food restaurant made customers eating in the restaurant eat less. Plus once the customers had eaten, they reported feeling happier and more satisfied compared to those customers who ate in the brighter restaurant with the louder music. So, if you think you eat too much and would like to feel more satisfied after eating invest in a lamp or a dimmer switch in your dining room and play soft, gentle music when eating.

Take flaxseed oil for better skin

If you want to get your best body ever you’ll probably want to have healthy, soft and glowing skin to match your toned body. To get the skin your beautiful body deserves, take flaxseed oil. According to the British Journal of Nutrition this oil is great for your skin because it contains omega-3 and -6, which are fatty acids that help to eliminate redness from your skin. These acids have also been found to reduce roughness, leaving your skin smooth and silky soft.

Free weights

Although using weight machines in the gym can be beneficial when working certain muscles, the American Council advice that free weights allow you to target several muscle groups simultaneously. They also suggest that free weights allow you to improve your muscle coordination and control as well. Remember though, free weights are more dangerous than weight machines, so if you are new to strength training get help and advice from a professional before working out with free weights.


Time is one of the biggest factors that are stopping you from achieving your best body ever. If you suffer from a lack of time, begin cooking your meals in a big batch. For example, on Sunday spend a few hours cooking up a healthy chili or a big batch of homemade soup. You can then freeze this food, dishing them out into seven containers (one for every day). Cooking in a big batch like this will mean that you do not snack on unhealthy fast food. It also means you will have to spend less time cooking, giving you more time to exercise.

Feel proud and keep motivated

One of the biggest reasons people give up on their healthy living plans is because they lose motivation and begin to have doubts about their success and their ability. To make sure you stick to your healthy living commitments make sure you know how far you’ve come by keeping up-to-date measurements of your body. Depending on the type of exercise you have done you should also set relevant and achievable goals, such as beating your personal best in a 5k run. If you achieve one of your goals treat yourself by getting something small you’ve wanted for a while, such as a new DVD or a training top.

Friday 19 February 2016

10 tips to fake a slimmer figure

While exercise and healthy eating are the best routes to getting the body you want, sometimes we could all do with a helping hand, especially when a special event is on the cards. To look and feel your best with minimal effort, check out these tips for faking a slimmer figure.

10 tips to fake a slimmer figure

Wear some slimming underwear

To drop a dress size instantly, take a tip from the celebs and choose some slimming underwear. While they might not be the sexiest of items once your clothes come off, underneath your outfit they will miraculously smooth out lumps and bumps and pull in any wobbly bits, giving the illusion of a firmer, slimmer body.

Dress for your body shape

Wearing tight, ill-fitting clothes is one of the worst things you can do if you are hoping to look slim. Rather than trying to squeeze into items that don’t suit your body shape, take some time to think about what suits your figure. Dresses that are nipped in at the waist and skim over the stomach and thighs can flatter curvier figures, for example, while those with larger legs may want to avoid calf-high boots. Learn what emphasizes your best parts for an instantly slimming wardrobe.

Pay attention to posture

Improving your posture and standing straighter and taller is one of the easiest ways to look instantly slimmer. Improving your core stability and the flexibility of your spine through exercises such as yoga and Pilates can improve posture. Also, try to pay attention to the general position of your body as you sit or move around, trying to pull your shoulders back and avoid slouching as much as possible.

Banish bloating

It’s possible to cheat your way to a slimmer frame prior to a special event with some careful eating. To prevent bloating, on the day of your big event limit your intake of high-fiber foods, such as certain fruit and veg, beans and grains, which are renowned for causing intestinal gas. Also avoid salt, carbonated drinks and chewing gum, all of which can cause bloating and prevent you looking your best. Try also taking charcoal capsules, which can help to eliminate gas which causes bloating.

Get a fake tan

Not only can fake tan make you look instantly slimmer all over, a bit of strategic bronzing can also easily enhance specific body parts and create the illusion of a better body. To create the appearance of slimmer legs, apply a bit of bronzer down the sides of your legs and some shimmer lotion down your shins.

Learn how to pose for photos

To make sure you look slim in all your photographs, try the classic celeb pose of turning your body three quarters of the way towards the camera, with one shoulder closer to the camera and one foot in front of the other. This will make you body appear slimmer than if you were facing the camera face on. Try keeping your back straight with your shoulders back and your stomach in (just try not to suck it in too much, you won’t be fooling anyone!).

Wear heels

While it is inadvisable to wear heels on a day to day basis, if you want to look slimmer for a big night out, swapping flats for heels can make all the difference. Heels make your legs look longer and they also make legs appear more toned. For a more comfortable alternative, try opting for kitten heels or wedges. Also, avoid shoes with ankle straps which can make legs appear chunkier.

Have a last-minute workout

While a regular workout routine is the best route to a slimmer figure, if you want to fake a better body in a short amount of time, some last-minute toning can help. Emphasise any muscles that may be on show (or your stomach muscles for flatter abs) with some last-minute targeted exercises, such as sit-ups, lunges and bicep curls. The rush of blood to your muscles will temporarily tighten them to leave them looking more defined.

Accessorize your outfit

If you’re feeling self-conscious about perceived problem areas, try to divert attention with detail. If you’re paranoid about your arms, a shrug can help to cover them up while adding some color and detail to your outfit, while an accessory such as a scarf, brooch or necklace can help to draw the eyes up towards the face rather than on areas of the body you may feel self-conscious about.

Try a body wrap treatment

While having a body wrap will not result in lasting weight loss, this treatment can help you to look slimmer short term before a big event. There are many different types of body wraps, including moisturizing and detoxifying wraps, but slimming wraps – where the body is slathered in detoxifying ingredients and wrapped in cotton bandages – can help to reduce fluid retention, helping you to temporarily feel and look thinner.

Thursday 18 February 2016

7 LBD-friendly foods

If you want to fit into your dress for a big night out, amp up your glamour and confidence by eating some of these LBD-friendly foods. The seven foods listed below will help you to combat any bloating you’re suffering from and they’ll also aid your digestion, so that you can look amazing in your party dress and feel incredible.
7 LBD-friendly foods


The protein you gain from chicken will keep you feeling fuller for longer, and lean meat such as chicken helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels. This is great news if you want to reduce bloating and gas because often when we are hungry we reach for carbohydrates or sugary foods; both of which contribute to bloating.
How to eat it: Have a chicken salad, using chicken breasts, lettuce, cucumber, almonds, lemon juice, basil and olive oil.


If you think your bloating is a result of fluid retention eat some foods that contain high amounts of water, such as melon. Foods with high levels of water are fantastic at reducing the symptoms of water retention and constipation because water is a diuretic (this means it makes you pee more).
The high water content present in melon has other benefits too. Bloating can be the result of dehydration. Therefore, by tucking into this fruit you are rehydrating yourself, hopefully to the point that you conquer that bloat.
How to eat it: Chop up watermelon and honeydew melon and pour over some natural yoghurt.


Although when you are trying to fit into a dress you think you should eat less, you should actually try to eat more. Eating little and often aids your digestion and will therefore help you to avoid the dreaded bloat. Having a smoothie as one of your four ‘meals’ will help you to achieve this little and often goal and will help you achieve a flat-belly for your LBD.
How to eat it: Pop two green apples, the juice of half a lemon, a handful of spinach, a carrot and half a cup of water into a blender and blend into a tasty, healthy smoothie.


To fit into your LBD you’ll need to reduce your sugar intake. Vegetables are low in sugar so eating plenty of fresh veg is a good idea. Vegetables are also beneficial because they absorb fungus such as mycotoxins and carry them out of the body. Funguses like mycotoxin can cause gastrointestinal problems and so getting rid of them is going to help you and your stomach troubles.
How to eat it: Have a vegetable stir-fry, but replace the noodles with quinoa or brown rice.

Soda bread

If you find that you are often bloated and uncomfortable after eating you may need to cut down on the amount of yeast you consume. One way to do this is to swap normal bread, which contains a lot of yeast, for soda bread, which does not contain yeast.  The fiber within soda bread will also help to relieve constipation, which might help you to slip into your LBD with ease. Plus the fiber within soda bread can help your body remove any waste products that are contributing to your bloated stomach.
How to eat it: Toast soda bread and eat with vegetable soup.


Yoghurt is an LBD friendly food for lots of reasons. Firstly, it’s high in water, which helps combat any issues you have with water retention. Eating a dollop or two of yogurt before your big night out also puts good bacteria into your gut and, in turn, this reduces the gas that you have within your body.
80 per cent of the gas that causes bloating is the result of your digestive process and so, understandably, anything that aids your digestive process will help to reduce the swelling and discomfit. 
How to eat it: You can eat yogurt plain, add it to a smoothie or mix it in with oats and nuts.


Eggs are a great source of protein, which means they will fill you up and ensure that you feel fuller for longer. They are also an excellent food to eat before your big night out because they contain no yeast or sugars. This is great news because both sugars and yeast can trigger bloating and can cause problems for your digestion.
How to eat it: You could make a vegetable frittata, an omelette or have a boiled egg salad.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

10 steps for glowing skin

Glowing skin tip: Raid your kitchen

Do you want your skin to glow from within, without the need for pricey skin products or layers of makeup? The good news is, perfect skin could be just 10 simple steps away. To get the complexion you’ve always dreamed of, check out our top tips for glowing skin.

Glowing skin tip 1: Eat face-friendly foods

One of the most important steps for getting enviably smooth, clear and glowing skin is to make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet rich in face-friendly foods, including nutritious fruits and vegetables and omega-3 rich oily fish. Deficiencies in nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12 can lead to pale, sallow skin, so make sure you are getting enough of these nutrients in your diet. Nuts are also a great source of vitamin E, which can help the skin to retain its natural moisture levels and stay soft and hydrated

Glowing skin tip 2: Get outdoors

Rather than relying on makeup for glowing skin and rosy cheeks, why not get a natural glow with some outdoor activity? Sunshine (in moderation) and fresh air are both great for your skin, while exercise can improve your complexion by increasing circulation, which helps to nourish skin cells, and helping to alleviate stress. Combine these skin-boosting benefits with a workout in the outdoors such as a brisk walk, jog or cycle before work or a relaxing spot of yoga in the park.

Glowing skin tip 3: Exfoliate

Our skin continually produces new cells and, as these new cells appear, dead ones can accumulate on the skin’s surface, leading to dull, dry skin. Regular exfoliation is important for removing these skin cells, which will not only leave your skin looking much brighter, but will allow skin products and moisturisers to penetrate the skin more effectively. Harsh exfoliation can damage the skin, so opt for a gentle exfoliator, such as ground oatmeal, or try removing your cleanser with a muslin cloth, which will lightly exfoliate the skin.

Glowing skin tip 4: Ditch the soap

Our skin has a natural protective barrier, called an acid mantle, which helps to keep in moisture and fight off bacteria. Overly cleansing your skin or using alkaline products such as soap can remove this protective layer of oils, which can dry out the skin, eventually leading to wrinkles, and also remove the barrier between your skin and acne-causing bacteria. For glowing skin, trying replacing your soap with a gentle PH-neutral and chemical-free cleanser and wash your face just twice a day.

Glowing skin tip 5: Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a leading cause of dull skin and wrinkles and, contrary to what you may think, dehydration does not just affect dry skin types but can affect oily skin too. To increase your skin’s elasticity and help it to stay healthy and soft, make sure that it is well hydrated by using a daily moisturiser suitable for your skin type and also drinking plenty of water each day.


Glowing skin tip 6: Get enough sleep
During sleep our skin cells renew themselves and collagen production increases, helping to keep your skin looking beautiful, healthy and youthful. Study results published in the British Medical Journal found that sleep-deprived people were rated as being less attractive than those who had had a normal night’s sleep, showing that the concept of “beauty sleep” is not a myth. To get glowing skin with minimal effort, try to establish a regular bedtime and get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

Glowing skin tip 7: Pamper your skin with natural oils

Many of us wouldn’t be keen on the idea of putting oil anywhere near our faces, particularly in the case of those who already suffer from oily skin. However, non-comodogenic oils can actually help to clear out pores, reduce sebum production and naturally moisturize the skin. Oils such as almond oil and grapeseed oil make great natural moisturisers, while jojoba oil is an effective multi-functional oil which is particularly beneficial for acne-prone and oily complexions as it can help to normalise sebum production. Jojoba oil can be used as a cleanser, using the oil cleansing method, and can also replace your regular eye makeup remover and moisturiser.

Glowing skin tip 8: Raid your kitchen

Spending a fortune on expensive skin products in your pursuit for the perfect complexion? The answers to all your beauty problems may already be in your kitchen.  Many common kitchen staples can double up as beauty products, such as olive oil – which makes a great natural body moisturiser – and brown sugar, which can be mixed with olive oil to make an exfoliator. For those suffering from acne, ice, honey and salt may be your skin’s new best friends. Run an ice cube over spots to help reduce swelling, follow with an antiseptic and soothing honey mask, then finish with a salt water toner. For those with eczema, try putting some oatmeal in your bathwater to help soothe your skin.

Glowing skin tip 9: Cut out alcohol and cigarettes

Want to ward off wrinkles? Who doesn’t?! For a glowing, youthful complexion, try to cut back on two of your skin’s worst enemies – alcohol and cigarettes. Smoking irritates the skin and deprives it of oxygen and nutrients, robbing it of its healthy glow and also causing premature ageing. Alcohol also robs the body of nutrients and causes skin to dry out and the eyes to become puffy. To retain your skin’s natural glow, try to quit smoking and only drink in moderation.

Glowing skin tip 10: Relax

Stress affects our skin in many unfortunate and undesirable ways. A study has shown that chronic stress can actually accelerate cellular ageing, leading to wrinkles. Stress has also been found to exacerbate many skin conditions, including eczema and acne, as well as robbing us of our much-needed beauty sleep. To help keep your skin glowing and beautiful, try experimenting with some stress-busting techniques to help you cope with stressful situations, such as meditation, exercise or yoga.

Monday 15 February 2016

7 strange beauty tricks that work

We all have our weird little beauty secrets that help us to look great, and sometimes the strangest tips and tricks are the ones that work the best. If you’ve tried every skin cream and shampoo under the sun and are searching for something new, check out these unconventional beauty fixes that can solve your beauty problems.
Strange beauty trick: Clean your face with oil

Strange beauty trick 1: Fade scars with raw potato

Many of us suffer from skin blemishes and acne to some extent from time to time, and these can often leave red marks and scars on your skin long after the blemish has gone. To help fade red marks and facial scars, try treating your skin with potato juice. It may sound odd, but potatoes contain enzymes which can help to promote healthy skin and reduce scarring, and they also come at a budget-friendly price. To try this treatment, simply cut a potato in half then rub it all over the relevant area, letting the potatoes juices cover the skin.

Strange beauty trick 2: Fix fake tan mishaps with baking soda

So, you were just after a little bit of a glow and now you’re looking a slightly streaky shade of orange... Don’t panic! Glowing, streak-free skin is still within your reach. To fix a bad fake tan, make yourself an exfoliator out of baking soda (or bicarbonate of soda) and water. Mix the ingredients to form a paste and then rub all over your face and body in circles to lighten your tan and help remove any streaks.

Strange beauty trick 3: Prime oily skin with laxatives

Laxative medicine may not be the first thing that springs to mind in your quest for perfect skin, however if you’re hoping to combat oily skin and leave your face looking matte then Milk of Magnesia – a liquid laxative and antacid medicine – could be the answer to all your problems. After cleansing and drying your face, apply a little Milk of Magnesia using a cotton wool ball and allow it to dry on your face. You can then apply makeup over the top for a smooth, oil-free complexion.

Strange beauty trick 4: Banish greasy locks with flour

Dry shampoo has become a staple in many of our beauty bags for those hectic days when we don’t have time to wash and style our hair. However, if you’ve ran out of dry shampoo or fancy a cheaper alternative, the good news is that flour and cornflour (cornstarch) can also help to alleviate greasy roots. To instantly revive and add body to your hair, sprinkle a small amount of flour onto the scalp and work into the roots, then brush through to ensure all excess flour has been removed.

Strange beauty trick 5: Whiten your teeth with crunchy vegetables

If you’re longing for whiter, stain-free teeth, then keeping some fruit and veg to hand could help to brighten your smile. Dark foods and bacteria from leftover food particles can lead to yellow, stained teeth. However, following meals with crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, celery and carrots can help to minimize staining and whiten teeth. The abrasiveness of these crunchy foods can help to give your teeth a post-meal clean, removing bacteria and lifting stains from your teeth, as well as providing a healthy and nutritious end to your meal.

Strange beauty trick 6: Clean your face with oil

Oil may be the last thing you want to put on your face; particularly if you already suffer from oily skin. However, non-comodogenic oils can actually help to clear out pores, reduce sebum production and cleanse the skin without drying it out. To try the popular oil cleansing method, select your oil (olive oil is good for dry skin while jojoba oil is beneficial for acne-prone and oily complexions) and rub it into the skin for a couple of minutes. Next, take a warm, damp muslin cloth and place it over your face until it starts to cool. Finally, gently wipe off the oil for a clean and soft complexion.

Strange beauty trick 7: Rejuvenate blonde hair with tomato ketchup

Whether you’ve had a hair dye disaster or are experiencing chlorine-induced green tones from spending too much time in the pool, blonde ladies can counteract green shades and rejuvenate their color with the help of tomato ketchup. While it may not be the most appealing hair treatment, the red condiment can neutralize the green in your hair, leading to shiny, golden locks once more. Apply the tomato ketchup to hair and leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off and shampoo as normal.

Sunday 14 February 2016

5 steps to instant beauty

You’re having a lazy day watching chick flicks in your less-than-flattering pyjamas when suddenly you get a text asking if you want to go out for lunch in 10 minutes... eek. Whether it’s for a catch up with friends or a lunch date with the guy you fancy, of course you want to go, but what about your greasy tangled hair and cat pyjamas? Follow these quick tips to go from ‘not too pretty’ to ‘you’re a fitty!’ in less than 10 minutes.
5 steps to instant beauty

Instant beauty 1: Two minute power-shower with jasmine or peppermint

If you don’t have any jasmine or peppermint scented shower gel in your bathroom, stock up now; both of these scents have been scientifically proven to wake you up when you’re feeling a little sleepy. While the scent of peppermint makes you feel fresh and zingy, jasmine increases the number of beta waves released by your brain to make you feel instantly alert. Be time-efficient by applying the shower gel to a muslin cloth or body puff to wash yourself and this will remove dead skin cells to make your skin look radiant. Don’t worry about washing your hair in the shower as this will add too much time to your shower, particularly if your hair is long.

Instant beauty 2:  One minute hair-do

After your two minute power-shower, spray the roots of your hair with some dry shampoo to soak up any oil and give your roots some volume. Dry shampoos tend to come in an array of different scents so they’ll leave your hair smelling gorgeous as well as feeling fresh. Don’t forget to brush your tresses to get rid of any excess dry shampoo. Now, take your hair and gather it up into a high bun on top of your head. This makes your locks look super chic in an instant and by having a high bun, you get instant volume too. If your hair is really short, just clip it back with some pretty clips or some hair grips. Whichever option you choose, this gives you instantly beautiful hair.

Instant beauty 3: Three minute dress-up session

Before you start getting dressed, prep your clean skin by applying your favourite face moisturiser. This gives it time to sink in as you get dressed. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to step out of those cat pyjamas and hop into something that flatters your figure. It’s a good idea to have an emergency one put together for times where you need to look instantly gorgeous.  Remember the few important tricks to wearing something that makes your body look beautiful. If you’re a curvy lady, for example, make sure you flatter your figure by adding a belt that cinches you in at the waist. There’s plenty of advice out there on the internet to help you pick an outfit that flatters your individual figure.

Instant beauty 4 Three minute makeup tricks

Once your moisturiser has worked its magic, you have the perfect base to start applying some makeup. When you’re in a rush, it’s not a good idea to start carrying out an elaborate makeup routine. Instead, just swipe some concealer underneath your eyes and over any imperfections. Elongate your lashes with some mascara and finish off by brightening up your complexion with some blusher. Creamy blushers tend to look more natural and add a glowing sheen to your skin for an instant hint of glamour. Finish the look with some tinted lip balm.

Instant beauty 5: Thirty seconds to gather your thoughts and smile

Now that you’re looking hot to trot, you probably feel pretty flustered after all of that rushing around. To eliminate looking rushed and clumsy when you arrive to meet your company, take thirty seconds to simply gather your thoughts and breathe. You may be looking drop dead gorgeous, but not getting out of that panicky state of mind could lead to some seriously embarrassing blunders (running up the steps and tripping over, forgetting to check thoroughly in the mirror and strutting around with your skirt tucked into your knickers – ouch!) Once you’ve gathered your thoughts, add a gleaming smile and a good posture and you have just perfected instant beauty.

Saturday 13 February 2016

7 instant fixes to common beauty disasters

How did this happen? At six thirty this morning you looked polished, sleek and, even though you say so yourself, rather beautiful. Now, its five thirty and you’re going for post-work cocktails and you look shocking; so much so you would scare small children. Beauty disasters can strike at any time, which is why we have put together this guide that should help you overcome the most difficult of beauty disasters. 

7 instant fixes to common beauty disasters

Common beauty disaster: Frizzy hair

Since the dawn of time, frizzy hair has had a bad rep. In fact, even though we have no hard evidence we’re pretty sure that even cavewomen thought that frizzy hair was not fetching, hot or desirable. If you need an instant fix for this common beauty disaster rub a little conditioner into the palms of your hands and, using your fingers, run the conditioner through dry hair. The conditioner should tame the frizz in your hair and return your locks to their smoother glory.

Common beauty disaster: A spot

Whether it’s one mini-volcano on your chin or a breakout that looks like a tidal wave swooping across your forehead, spots are a beauty disaster that no one enjoys. Although your diet, your hormones and your cleansing routine affect your spots, if you want a quick fix for one blemish there are a few things you can do. Firstly, if the spot area is swollen wrap some ice in a towel and apply to the affected area to reduce the swelling. Then, after cleansing, take some concealer that matches your skin tone and mix it with a green hue. The green neutralises the redness of the spot.

Common beauty disaster: Fake tan streaks

Even if you won the Miss World title fake tan streaks do not look good and never will. If you’ve mismanaged your fake tan application and look a little bit like an orange zebra take a deep breath because this beauty disaster can be fixed. Firstly, exfoliate the streaky area. Then apply lemon juice to the streaky area; the citric acid in the lemon should lighten or remove the streaks. If the streaks are on your face, try using a toner and cotton pad to remove any imperfections. If your skin is still streaky apply a bronzer or matching foundation to the uneven area.

Common beauty disaster: Oily hair 

Whoever invented that snooze button on the alarm clock has a lot to answer to. Even though the morning before we promised ourselves that we would never dare to hit the snooze button ever again, here we are frantically dashing around trying to get ready for work and, yet again, we don’t have the time to jump into the shower and wash our hair. To fix this all too common beauty disaster you need dry shampoo. Don’t apply the dry shampoo directly onto your hair, you should spray the de-greaser to a paddle brush then brush from your roots to your tips, bringing the brush through your locks. Using dry shampoo in this way will save you from looking grey before your time.

Common beauty disaster: Bruises  

Obviously you’re a very elegant and graceful lady, yet the other night you managed to collide, shin-first, into that coffee table and last week you tripped over the laces of your shoes when you were out running. Although clumsy falls happen to the best of us, having bruises up and down your body is probably not the look you were really going for. To instantly fix this beauty disaster you need to raise the affected area to draw blood away from the bruise and, if it has just happened, apply ice to reduce swelling and restrict the blood vessels. Then, if your skin didn’t break when the bruise was made, take a hypoallergenic concealer and apply. Your bruise will change in colour as it heals so adjust your concealer accordingly.

Common beauty disaster: Smudged lipstick 

A sharp, pop of colour on your lips can bring together a look and give you a sultry, seductive edge. However, if your lipstick begins to bleed into the creases around your mouth and smudges onto your skin, your look will be ruined.  For an instant fix to this beauty disaster, apply a lip liner around the outer edge of your lips. You can also use a neutral colour over your whole lip area to create a base for the lipstick. Then take a lip brush and apply the lipstick to your lips using the brush. Applying the lip colour in this way will help the colour stay on your lips longer.

Common beauty disaster: Lopsided brows  

Your brows are important and they can dramatically alter the way you look. So, if you accidentally chop one of your brows shorter than the other, you have to have an instant fix. Sadly, we don’t have a formula that can help you to stimulate hair growth, so you’re going to need to buy an eyebrow pencil and get creative.  Rather than removing both eyebrows, we suggest you use your eyebrow pencil to fill in the missing brow. That way your eyebrows will return to normality before long.

Friday 12 February 2016

7 best foods for a beautiful body

The type of food you eat doesn't just affect your health, your fitness and your mood. It can also change the way you look. Here we show you 7 foods that can do just that. So, ditch those expensive beauty products and try to eat these nutritous foods instead:

Keep your eyes fresh, bright and beautiful with green tea

Best food for a beautiful body 1: Green tea

If you want sparkling, bright eyes you need to boil the kettle and enjoy a tasty cup of green tea from China. Green tea contains a fantastic mix of antioxidants that help to keep your eyes healthy. This powerful tea also fights inflammation and protects your eyes against sun damage. All of these benefits will help you keep your eyes fresh, bright and beautiful. To get the most antioxidants possible, dunk your teabag in the hot water a few times.

Best food for a beautiful body 2: Salmon

Salmon works miracles for your skin. This oily fish is rich in the essential lipids that your skin needs to stay flawless and youthful. The Omega 3 in the salmon maintains your skin elasticity and works hard to keep your cell membranes healthy. If you’re not a fan of salmon, trout, mackerel or sardines also do wonders for skin and will give you a glowing, young-looking complexion you’ll be proud to flaunt.

Best food for a beautiful body 3: Eggs  

Whip up an omelette or cook yourself a spicy frittata for thick, glossy tresses. Eggs are fantastic for your hair, not only because they contain lots of protein, which is essential for hair growth, but they are also rich in biotin. Not only are eggs good for your hair when eaten, they can also be used as a healthy, organic hair mask. To make one, apply a beaten egg to your locks, leave for 10 minutes and then rinse out the egg with cool water.

Best food for a beautiful body 4: Curly kale

To get gleaming and strong nails you need to get some curly kale in your life. Kale, like other green and leafy vegetables, is rich in iron. This nutrient is essential if you want great looking talons because a lack of iron in your diet will result in brittle and ill-formed nails, which, no matter how much nail polish you apply, will never be on trend. If you’re stuck for kale recipes add this iron-rich ingredient to broths, stews and tarts.

Best food for a beautiful body 5: Tomatoes

Hands up if you go red in the sun. If your hand is in the air you need to eat plenty of red foods, like tomatoes. In a study, participants who ate five tablespoons of high-in-lycopene tomato paste were 25 per cent more protected against sunburn. The participants also had more collagen in their skin, which is a fibrous protein that helps to keep skin looking young. To get youthful skin that is better protected when you’re out enjoying the sun add some tomatoes to a salad, to a chilli or make a tomato soup.

Best food for a beautiful body 6: Brown rice

If you want to lose a little excess weight don’t cut out brown rice. This powerhouse whole grain is great for weight management because it is a low fat source of slow-release energy. Plus, because it is high in fibre it will also help keep you feeling fuller for longer. Interestingly, brown rice helps us look our best in other ways as well. As a whole grain this food lowers our levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, which can cause fat to be stored around the stomach.

Best food for a beautiful body 7: Gum

To get the red carpet smile you crave simply chew sugarless gum. Chewing gum after meals removes trapped food and reduces plaque, which keeps teeth strong. Gum can also help to prevent tooth decay because gum helps you to produce more salvia, which neutralizes the mouth acids that cause tooth decay. Although controversial, it has also been suggested that chewing gum can help you lose weight.   

Thursday 11 February 2016

5 quick tricks to revamp your look

Wouldn’t it be great if we could borrow the Fairy Godmother’s magic wand from time to time? Then, with a quick twinkle and flick of our wrist we could transform our drab, dull looks and become popping, vivid versions of ourselves. Sadly, the Fairy Godmother is very precious about her wand and the waiting-list goes into the next millennia, so rather than wait a few hundred thousand years, we’ve decided to show you five quick tricks that will help you revamp your look in a flash.

5 quick tricks to revamp your look

Quick trick to revamp your look: Stand up

Although we risk sounding like your mother, if you want to revamp your look stand up straight. Your posture is hugely important to the way you look. Even the world’s prettiest woman would look unattractive if she stooped and slouched through life. Not only will maintaining a good posture make you appear more confident you will also look slimmer. Patrice Winter, a spokeswoman for the American Physical Therapy Association, says that standing tall can make you look 10 pounds slimmer.  So ladies, shoulders back and stand tall.
Instructions: Having good posture doesn’t mean standing polka straight. You need to stand naturally, allowing your spine to curve in an S shape. Make sure when you are standing that your hips and ears are aligned. Also if you sit at a desk, make sure you use your legs to distribute your weight and help relieve some of the pressure off of your tailbone.

Quick trick to revamp your look: Dye

When you think of having a makeover or revamping your look it can be easy to think you have to clear out the bank balance and take out a second mortgage on your home. Changing your look doesn’t have to be expensive though and it can be as cheap as you want it to be. If you feel like your wardrobe needs updating, take a look at what you already own. If you have a pair of trousers or skirt that fits well but is looking a little old, pop it into the washing machine and add in some fabric dye (see below for instructions). To create an entire outfit, you could also pop a few accessories into the washing machine too, such as a fabric brooch or fabric bag. Then you have an instantly colour coordinated outfit.
Instructions: Fabric dye is a simple way to revamp your wardrobe. Make sure you check the dye you use for instructions, but generally you will simply need to put in the dye from the box into your washing machine and add salt. Then turn on your machine and wash the clothes in a hot wash until the cycle is complete.

Quick trick to revamp your look: Eyes and lips

Your eyes and lips are you chance to have fun and, if you want to give yourself a makeover using makeup, start with these areas. Firstly, take a look at the colour of your eyes and try to find an eyeliner pen or pencil that matches your natural eye colour. Then play around with designs. You could add flicks to the corners of your eyes to make them appear bigger, or add dashes on your lower lash line. Have fun and find out what works for you. If you have bright eyes, choose a neutral lip shade and vice versa. For bright lips that pop why not try using two shades of lipstick to your lips. If you use a lighter shade around the outer edge of your lips your lips will appear plumper.
Instructions: When applying your eyeliner make sure you keep checking what your liner looks like when your eyes are open so that you get the finished look you were after. Also, to keep your lipstick on for longer first apply a lip liner and use a lip brush to apply your lipstick. This will also give you more control during application.

Quick trick to revamp your look: Eyebrows

We all know that your eyebrows can dramatically change your face. To give yourself a quick and almost instant revamp you should change your brows. The right brows can frame your favourite features and change your appearance. If you have a long face and would like to make it look shorter choose a flat brow shape. If you have a round face then choose a brow shape with a high arch. Finally, if you have a heart shaped face, choose brows that balance your face by creating a soft curved arch. Remember, some people benefit from darkening their brows. You could get an eyebrow tint or use an eyebrow pencil to achieve this look.
Instructions: Although a DIY job can work wonders, sometimes getting some professional guidance goes a long way. If you want to change your entire brow shape book an appointment at a brow bar or with a beauty therapist. Then once you’ve had them re-shaped you could maintain your look at home with tweezers.

Quick trick to revamp your look: One statement piece

Sometimes a total revamp or makeover isn’t necessary. All you need is one statement piece that ties together your outfit. To find that magical piece of clothing, scour the shops and the internet. Try on lots of different items and explore new styles, cuts and colours. Ideally, your statement piece will have a wow factor so that it can turn an ordinary outfit into one that will turn heads. The key to getting this wow factor is to look for bold, unusual colours. Don’t choose a multi-coloured item though, unless lots of your other clothes are plain. This is because you want to be able to wear your statement piece with a lot of outfits, so choose items in bold, block colours.
Instructions: Your statement piece should be a little out-there and should definitely reflect you and your personality. Take time to find this special item and you’ll soon reap the rewards.

5 everyday habits that ruin your looks

There are lots of things we do every single day that ruin our looks, from washing our hair to talking to our friends. To make sure you stay looking pretty, fresh-faced and perfect, check out this list and make sure you don’t do any of these habits that ruin your appearance. If you do find some of your habits on this list, we’ll also give you remedies and solutions to each and every beauty dilemma.  

Sleeping can ruin your looks

Although every princess needs her beauty sleep, sleeping could be causing your skin to age unnecessarily.  The problem with sleeping is not the process itself (or those scary dreams where you kiss that hideous colleague of yours). The problem lies with your pillowcase. Surprisingly your pillowcase can draw moisture away from you and this can age skin. It can also leave unattractive lines over your face.
To combat your pillowcase problem dermatologists recommend you invest in a silk pillow cover. Silk contains amino acids, similar to those found in our moisturisers, so when we rest our heads for the night our skin is not losing any essential moisture. Problem solved.

Applying makeup can be bad for your skin

In the UK the average woman uses 12 beauty products a day, yet these beauty products could be ruining your looks rather than improving your appearance. When we apply our face creams, our expensive moisturisers and our foundation, most of us are guilty of doing so with our fingers. Although using your fingers is fine, how many of us clean our hands before doing so? Some of us may wash hands before applying makeup in the morning or the night, but not so many do so when they do the odd touch-up job.
This is bad news for our skin. Our fingers harbour bacteria and applying your products in this way causes bacteria to be transferred to you face, which can cause infection and spots. To prevent blemishes and still use your favourite beauty products make sure you use a hand sanitizer before applying your face creams or use makeup brushes.

Drinking water through a bottle of straw can age you

Although drinking water can help improve the way we look by nourishing our skin, the way we actually drink can make us look terrible. Using bottles or straws to drink is something most of us do every single day, but did you know that drinking through a bottle or straw can age our skin? Drinking in this way can give us the same lines and wrinkles around our mouths that smoking causes. If you want to stay looking young and wrinkle-free it’s time you bought a glass to get your daily water fix and ditched the bottles and the straws.

Talking to your friends can be bad for your skin

If talking was an Olympic sport, we’d all be gold medallists by now and although we love kicking back and relaxing on our phones and chatting to our friends, your skin doesn’t. Think about the places we leave our phones. We leave them on café tabletops, in the drinks holder of our car and on the seat in changing rooms. We leave our phones on shop countertops, we lend our phones to our friends and even leave them on the side in the public bathroom when we wash our hands.
When you think about your phone in this way, it’s not surprising that phones can cause spots and blemishes.  To combat this problem use antibacterial wipes and be a little bit more mindful where you leave your phone next time you’re out and about.

Washing your hair can damage it

If you want to look hot and feel good the very least you need to do is keep clean, right? Well, although basic hygiene is obviously a vital part of your beauty regime you have to choose your products carefully. Within most shampoos and hair conditioners you will find a foaming chemical called sodium laureth sulphate.
Although commonly used, this chemical can damage your hair, your skin and your health. The Hair Loss Control Clinic explain that sodium laureth sulphate can even cause your hair growth cycle to decline and suggest the chemical can prolong your hair loss phase. So to keep your hair thick and luscious, choose products that do not contain this chemical, like organic shampoos and conditioners.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

How to get started in healthy eating — part 3

Healthy eating on a daily basis

So now you know what healthy eating is and understand the terms used by nutrition experts and in the media, how do you now go about putting that knowledge into practice? What does a day’s healthy eating really look like? Take a look at these meal ideas and perhaps try to make a few healthy changes to your daily diet.
Smoked salmon and scrambled egg


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you can, take time out to really enjoy itit’s a great way to start the day. If you need an incentive to get out of bed that bit earlier, remember that people who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who don’t. Investing some time for breakfast in the morning will kick-start your metabolism and stop you snacking mid-morning. Set the table the night before and make it look appealing if that helpsand most of the ideas below will only take 10 minutes to prepare, so lack of time is no excuse.
  • Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, chopped tomato and basil
  • Boiled egg and wholemeal toast
  • Wholemeal toast and peanut butter or marmite/vegemite
  • Hot or cold fruit with low-fat yogurt
  • Porridge with stewed fruit (for example, apple and raisin or rhubarb)
  • Kedgeree (make the night before)
  • Cereal with skimmed milk
  • Fruit juice, fruit smoothies, herbal or black tea, one cup of coffee


Lunch is probably the hardest meal to get right. Too often we end up grabbing something on the go and not taking the time to really savor it. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction later in the day, when you inevitably find yourself reaching for a chocolate bar. If you can, take at least 20 minutes to yourself in a quiet place to really unwind. Have something starchy with some protein, and remember to add fruit and veg. A good tip is to mix hot and cold foods for a more satisfying meal.                                
  • Baked potato with low-fat cream cheese and roasted vegetables, or tuna with salad
  • Salmon or prawns on wholemeal bread with salad
  • Vegetable and lentil soup and a bunch of grapes
  • Avocado, chicken and tomato bagel
  • Rice, pasta or couscous salad


Snacking has an unfairly bad reputation. Snacking itself is not inherently unhealthy, rather the snack choices we tend to make. If you are hungry, then by all means eat! Your body is trying to tell you something. But make sure you pick something nutritious, and stick to smaller portions so that you don’t overdo your calorie intake.

Monday 8 February 2016

How to get started in healthy eating — part 2

Healthy eating terms explained

So often we come across familiar food-related words in the press and other media, but when it comes down to it, do we really know what they mean? Do you know your monounsaturated fats from your polyunsaturated? Your omegas from your antioxidants? Read on and you'll be in the know in no time.
Fruit salad- strawberries, grapes, blueberries, watermelon
Alcohol — we all know what this is! ‘Alcohol’ is the term used to refer to ethanol and contains a whopping 7 calories per gram!
Amino acids — there are 20 different types of amino acid, eight of which are ‘essential’ — that is, the body cannot make these, so they must be found in the diet.
Antioxidants— these are the good guys, protecting against free radical damage by giving up one of their own electrons, stabilizing the free radical and making it less reactive.
BMI — a mathematical calculation used to determine whether or not a person’s bodyweight is suitably healthy for their height.
BMI = weight in kg/height in m2
A healthy BMI is considered to be between 18.5 and 25. However, BMI can be unreliable because it measures only weight, not fat. Weight in itself is not always a good indicator of a person’s health, for example muscle weighs more than fat, so most athletes are deemed as overweight using the BMI; this does not however mean that they are unhealthy.
Calorie — a measurement of energy. It refers to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree celsius. Food calories are measured by combustion, that is, how much heat is released when a foodstuff burns.
Carbohydrate — compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. In dietary terms, there are two kinds — complex carbohydrates and sugar. Carbohydrates contain around 4 calories per gram.
Cholesterol — this is an essential fat that your body uses for many biological processes. However, in excess, it can be harmful. It is made mostly in the liver from saturated fat, and circulates in the bloodstream. There is more than one kind of cholesterol.
Complex carbohydrate — this is a term used to describe larger packages (or molecules) of carbohydrate. There are two kinds — starch and fiber. Starch is found in pasta, rice, potatoes and bread and fiber is explained below.
Essential fatty acids — these are fatty acids that the body is incapable of making on its own, and so must take from the diet. There are two — alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3) and linoleic acid (an omega-6) and they are both polyunsaturated.
Fats — fats are made up of fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone. If there are double bonds between any carbon atoms in a fatty acid, it is said to be unsaturated. Fats and oils are the same, except that oils are liquid at room temperature. Examples include butter, cooking oil, and lard. Many fats are hidden for example, in cream and pastry. Fats are required for padding, insulation, nerve function, production of hormones and transport of vitamins. Fat contains 9 calories per gram.
Fibre — there are two kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, oats and pulses and helps lower cholesterol and balance blood sugar. Insoluble fiber is ‘roughage’ — also found in the above and in bran and other wholegrains. Insoluble fiber aids digestion and can help prevent bowel problems including cancer.
Free radicals — these are extremely reactive atoms or molecules that carry an uncharged electron. They are necessary for a number of biological reactions, but are so reactive they can also cause cell damage. They are implicated in the development of cancer, heart disease and some chronic diseases. Exposure to certain things for example: cigarette smoke, UV light, pollution or radiation can create free radicals.
HDL cholesterolhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol. This is carried by proteins called high density lipoproteins and is the ‘good’ cholesterol. HDLs remove cholesterol from the bloodstream and take it back to the liver.
LDL cholesterollow density lipoprotein cholesterol. This is carried by proteins called low density lipoproteins and is the ‘bad’ cholesterol. LDLs carry cholesterol around the body and deposit it on artery walls. Too much LDL cholesterol can lead to the development of fatty ‘plaques’ which in turn are a risk factor for heart disease. A high intake of saturated fat can lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol. 
Mineralsinorganic substances, not all of which are essential to life. Examples of minerals are calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, and sodium.
Monounsaturated fatan unsaturated fat with one double bond. Olive oil and some nut and seed oils are monounsaturated.
Obese — a BMI over 30 
Omegathis is a naming system. It relates to which of the carbon atoms the first double bond occurs, e.g. omega-3, -6 or -9. Omega-3 oils have attracted a lot of attention of late for their protective properties.
Overweight — a BMI over 25
Polyunsaturated fatan unsaturated fat with multiple double bonds. Corn oil, some seed oils and fish oils are polyunsaturated.
Proteinproteins are made up of amino acids and are required for growth and repair. Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, pulses and cereals contain protein. Protein contains 4 calories per gram.
Mixed nuts: wallnut, almond, hazlenut
Saturated fattend to be from animal sources and raise the levels of bad cholesterol.
Sugarthis is a term commonly used to describe ‘simple’ carbohydrates, or those in smaller packages. There are two kindsintrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic sugars are the ones that are incorporated into the cell walls of plants, for example those found in whole fruits and vegetables. Extrinsic sugars are those which are not, for example those in milk, beet sugar and honey. Non-milk extrinsic sugar is what is more commonly known as refined or added sugar.
Trans fatthese are man-made polyunsaturates with an altered structure, and have been linked with ill health, including raised cholesterol.
Unsaturated fatstend to be from plant sources. These types of fats reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and can raise levels of good cholesterol.
Vitaminsorganic (carbon based) substances that our bodies can break down and alter. Vitamins are needed in very small amounts, but are essential to life. There are two kinds: fat soluble (A, D, E and K) and water soluble (the B vitamins and vitamin C). Fat soluble vitamins circulate in the blood and are stored in fatty tissue, so do not need to be eaten every day. Water soluble vitamins circulate freely but are not stored, so you need to eat them more frequently.
So now you know what healthy eating is and understand the terms used by nutrition experts, how do you go about putting that knowledge into practice? What does a day’s healthy eating really look like? Check out How to get started in healthy eating — part 3 to find out how to put your healthy eating knowledge into practice.

Sunday 7 February 2016

How to get started in healthy eating — part 1

Choosing the right foods for health and fitness

We talk about healthy eating all the time — but what does it really mean? Is it really about throwing out the chocolate and stocking up on celery sticks? Or is there more to it than that? Here's how to get started in healthy eating ...
Breakfast muesli with fruit and yogurt
Let us explain. There are different nutrients in different foods. You need a wide variety of foods so that you have a better chance of eating all the nutrients your body requires.

Ideally your meals should be based around the following five food groups: 
Healthy eating is about balanceabout getting the right range of nutrients from a number of food groups. No foods are ‘forbidden’anything you want to eat will have its part to play and a place in a healthy diet.
  • Bread, cereals and potatoes
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Meat, fish and alternatives
  • Fats and sugars

Bread, cereals and potatoes

These should be the basis for every meal. This might be a baked potato, some mash, a wholemeal roll, pasta, steamed rice, couscous, polenta, bulgar wheat, pearl barley and the list goes on. Aim for wholegrain versions of cereals when you can — this means brown bread and rice and wholemeal pasta. Wholegrains have been associated with healthier hearts and contain extra fiber, which can help prevent constipation and bowel cancer.

Fruits and vegetables

A key part of your diet, they provide water, fiber and an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They have been shown to help prevent a number of diseases and illnesses including heart disease, stroke, cancer and high blood pressure. Include fruit and vegetables at every meal, and aim for at least five portions a day. A portion is usually around a handful — so that can be an apple, a fruit smoothie, a side salad, a can of tomatoes, some steamed broccoli …

Milk and dairy products

These are a good source of calcium as well as protein, vitamins and other minerals. If you do not eat dairy products or are a vegan, soya or similar replacements fall into this category. Eat two to three servings of low fat dairy products per day. This could be milk with your cereal, a yogurt with lunch and some low fat cream cheese in the afternoon. Calcium can also found in tofu, nuts and beans.

Meat, poultry and fish

These provide protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc. Meat alternatives also fall into this category. Beans, nuts and pulses also provide protein, but contain less iron and B vitamins, so if you do not eat meat you need to ensure you are getting these micronutrients from other sources. Protein is very satisfying, so if you eat a little at every meal you are more likely to feel full and less likely to overeat or snack later. Oily fish are an extremely good source of healthy fats — aim for two portions per week. Trim visible fat from meat to cut down on bad fats.

Fats and sugars

Fats and sugars should make up the smallest part of your meal. Fats should be good fats where possible i.e. olive oil, nut, seed or plant oil. Sugary treats are fine on occasion and indeed are part of a healthy diet, but can cause tooth decay if eaten too frequently.
Remember to eat regularly to give your body the supply of energy it needs. Don’t skip breakfast, it’s a false economy! You will only end up overeating later in the day.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day (this can be in diluting juice, herbal teas etc.) and feel free to have one alcoholic drink a day too — this can actually be beneficial to health. Binge drinking is however, a no-no.
To help you decipher the science surrounding healthy eating, check out How to get started in healthy eating — part 2. We have put together a jargon buster — just a little extra help to nudge you along the road to healthy eating!

Saturday 6 February 2016

10 ways to makeover your diet

Tips to improve your diet

Keeping a balanced diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle - choosing enough of each of the different food groups will mean that you will look and feel better, and have more energy for day-to-day life.  We are not talking strict regimes; you can make your diet healthier with a few little changes. We've come up with 10 rules to follow that will improve your diet - without you even noticing...
Man pushing trolley in supermarket while food shopping

Rule 1 - Always eat breakfast

After fasting all night, kick-start your body's engine with some good quality food. If you ever feel lethargic in the morning, or skip breakfast and are ravenous by 10am, you will feel 100 per cent better if you have some food when you get up. Top of the breakfast options is porridge, perhaps topped with some fresh or dried fruit. Porridge will provide you with sustained energy and cancel out the 10am 'munchies'.

Rule 2 - Go for '20 per day'

Try and eat 20 different, healthy foods each day to ensure that you are fuelling your body with a broad range of different nutrients. A diet rich in variety will guarantee that you are getting the full complement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements - and will make your meals more interesting too. Try introducing two new foods to your shopping trolley every week.

Rule 3 - Stay hydrated

Symptoms of dehydration include unusual fatigue, dizziness, hunger, dry skin, dark urine and general lethargy. When you consider that the majority of our bodies are made up from water, topping up your body's fluid intake with water and natural fluids (for example: fruit juice) is extremely important.

Rule 4 - Plan your meals

Write a shopping list and stick to it - this aims to banish your bad eating habits and stops you from giving into your cravings. Also, never shop when you're hungry, as this is a fatal error that inevitably leads you to stuffing your shopping trolley full of junk!

Rule 5 - Eat protein with complex carbohydrates

Combining these food groups in the correct proportions will ensure you receive a steady flow of energy, as the body converts foods relatively slowly into glucose. You can then avoid triggering insulin production therefore minimizing the potential for your body to store food as fat.

Rule 6 - Use the 80:20 approach

It would take a superhuman to follow a perfectly healthy diet all of the time and its absolutely acceptable to 'stray' every now and then. Try to keep up your good habits at least 80 per cent of the time, allowing you to stray for 20 per cent. This approach allows you the flexibility to enjoy life without being too restrictive, but still helps you to adopt healthy habits for the majority of the time.

Rule 7 - Add some exercise

Like it or not, exercise and a healthy diet do need to go hand-in-hand if you want to get results. As a minimum you should be aiming for 30-minutes of exercise three times a week.  But remember cleaning the car, the house or even the dog can contribute to your daily quota; if it makes you slightly out of breath and sweaty - you are working your heart and lungs.

Rule 8 - Make time to eat

If you allow the time to savor and enjoy your meal it's not only more beneficial to your digestive health, but it will also allow your body the time to recognize that it's full. It takes around 20 minutes of eating before the body begins to feel signs of satiety, so make sure you take the time at every meal.

Rule 9 - Avoid eating late at night

Many people have an 'end-of-day load' approach to their food intake, sometimes eating a large evening meal at 9pm, having eaten very sparingly throughout the day. Effectively they have starved themselves during their period of maximum activity and when they get home they are extremely hungry and eat a very large meal before going to bed.

Rule 10 - Avoid sugar

Where possible try to avoid sugary foods. The best way to reduce your sugar intake is to do so gradually, weaning yourself off so that your cravings subside. By taking simple steps and being vigilant about ingredients, you'll see the benefits in no time and seriously reduce the risks of disease, weight gain and tooth decay. Pretty sweet, eh?


Friday 5 February 2016

Top 10 tips for a healthy diet

Guide to a healthy diet

Need to get back on track with your healthy eating? We have rounded up 10 of the best quick tips for a healthy diet that will instantly kick-start your daily diet to a more healthy state.
Breakfast porridge with bluberries and raspberries
1. Drink lots of water. Take a 1.5-liter (50oz) bottle of water to work with you, and try to finish it all by home time.
2. Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. If you find this difficult, then remember that smoothies, juices and dried fruit all go toward your five-a-day quota.
3. Never skip breakfast, as it’s the most important meal of the day! Opt for something that will release energy slowly — porridge and a handful of blueberries are a great option!
4. Plan your meals for the week ahead. Write a shopping list and stick to it — and never shop when you're hungry, as this is a fatal error that inevitably leads you to stuffing your shopping trolley full of junk!
5. Keep a supply of healthy snacks to hand. Snacks can include fresh and dried fruit, wholesome cereal bars, rice cakes, low-fat fruit yogurts and wholemeal pitta and hummus.
6. Remove all visible fat from food before you cook it. Take the skin off chicken and trim the white fat off any meat. Also, try to avoid eating too many processed meats such as sausages and burgers (the fat's not visible from the outside, but it's certainly there!).
7. Limit your intake of stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol and refined sugar.
8. Limit the number of times you eat out to once a week. Take your own packed lunch to work or choose (non-creamy) soup in the canteen.
9. Eat properly. Don't cut out food groups — such as carbohydrates — altogether in a bid to lose weight quickly. Your body needs balance, so make sure you eat properly. And don't do denial — you'll only end up cracking!
10. Only eat things you like the taste of. Find what works for you, and don't force yourself to eat things just because they're good for you.

Thursday 4 February 2016

5 shocking truths about your healthy diet

The dangers of eating ‘healthily’

If you think you have a healthy diet you might be surprised by some of these shocking truths. From finding out that lard might be good for you to a study into herbal tea and its effects on your teeth, you’re bound to learn something new about the world of healthy living.  

The truth about margarine, cream and lard

Butter, cream and lard are bad, right? Well, it turns out that they might not be as bad as you think and the ‘healthy alternatives’, such as margarine and vegetable oils, may not be all that good for you. This is according to the 2002 issue of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, which indicated that the omega-6 content of margarine, sunflower oil and soybean oil, could lead to cancer, heart attacks and rheumatoid arthritis.
Fascinatingly, as an alternative to these omega-6 rich foods, it is advised that we instead replace these fats with things we might consider unhealthy, such as cream, lard and butter because all of these foods contain less omega-6 fatty acids.

The truth about herbal tea

If you thought that drinking a warming cup of herbal tea was doing wonders for your health, think again. Although herbal teas can contain antioxidants and are often considered healthier than a cup of tea or coffee, it turns out that some herbal teas can ruin your teeth.
Researchers at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester conducted a study into the effect of herbal tea on teeth and placed extracted teeth into blackcurrant, vanilla, ginseng herbal tea for fourteen days. They then also placed extracted teeth into black tea and water for the same amount of time.  The teeth that had been placed into the herbal teas were damaged and their enamel had dissolved considerably. Yet those teeth placed into black tea or water were pretty much unchanged. It is thought that the acid in some herbal teas caused this erosion.

The truth about food labels  

Food labels constantly trick us into buying products that we think are healthy. It is common for popular food products to promote their so-called healthy qualities on the front of packaging, claiming things like ‘all natural’, ‘low cholesterol’ and ‘light’. Reading these descriptions we might be tricked into thinking that the products are in some way healthier for us, but this is just not true.
When a food product says that something is ‘light’, for example on an olive oil bottle, it indicates that the product is lighter in color and taste, not that it contains fewer calories. Similarly foods whose packaging claims that they are ‘low in fat’ can actually be very high in sugar and sodium. Be aware of the true contents of the food you buy by learning how to correctly read food labels.

The truth about tofu

Tofu is high in protein and contains lots of essential amino acids, but did you know that tofu also contains anti-nutrients? These anti-nutrients make it difficult for your body to absorb minerals, iron and protein.
As well as inhibiting the absorption of healthy nutrients, it is thought that the soy in tofu can increase people’s chances of developing breast cancer. Researchers from the Sprecher Institute at the Cornell University believe that the isoflavones in soy increase the effects estrogen has on the body and therefore they believe soy can effectively feed breast tumours.

The truth about orthorexia nervosa

Although controversial and not widely recognized, orthorexia is thought to be a disorder whereby an individual becomes obsessed with eating to improve their health, to the point where it becomes out of control and negatively affects the individual’s life. People who suffer from orthorexia are often not trying to lose weight and they are not interested in the calorific values of food, they are however interested in its health properties and they strive to only eat healthy foods.
It is thought that those suffering from orthorexia feel as though they are doing something virtuous by cutting out all ‘unhealthy’ foods and experience extreme guilt when they break their strict eating regime. It is thought that there are many repercussions of this disorder as the obsessive nature of orthorexia can isolate sufferers and consume their thoughts and lives.