Monday 28 September 2015

How exercise protects women from disease

The benefits of a regular workout

Exercise isn’t just about firming up your thighs and toning your triceps; regular workouts can help ward off many of the major diseases that affect women — from breast cancer to high blood pressure, osteoporosis to arthritis.
But perhaps the most valuable benefit of all is the protective effect exercise has on the heart. Did you know that one in every two women in the UK dies of heart or vascular disease? Yet regular aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30 to 40 per cent.
Woman stretching
Aerobic exercise (from walking to jogging, dancing to swimming) influences four of the main heart disease risk factors:
  • Blood pressure (people with hypertension are three times more likely to experience heart disease)
  • Cholesterol profile (exercise lowers total cholesterol and increases the amount of HDL cholesterol)
  • Risk of diabetes
  • Excess body weight.
Regularly active women have a 42 per cent lower risk of getting type II diabetes, as a higher fitness level has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and enhance glucose transportation.
Although it’s never too soon to start reaping the benefits of exercise, it’s never too late, either. A study published in the journal Epidemiology found that women who took up exercise after the menopause had a 30 per cent lower risk of developing breast cancer. Those who had been active throughout their lives had a 42 per cent lower risk than sedentary women, however.
Scientists don’t know exactly why exercise seems to be protective against breast cancer — it may be that regularly active women produce a less harmful form of estrogen, or that they are exposed to less estrogen overall. But the overall verdict spells out one thing: consistent, vigorous exercise is linked to a lower lifetime breast cancer risk. There is also some evidence that staying fit reduces your risk of colon cancer, and cancers of the upper digestive tract, too.
The old ‘use it or lose it’ adage is often applied to muscle — but the same goes for bone density. The more you do sooner, the better. Peak bone mass — the maximum amount of bone you ever attain — occurs around the age of 20 and from 30 or so onwards, a slow decline begins. In the decades prior to menopause, we lose 0.75 to 1 per cent per year — but in the years following it, bone density (the thickness and strength of the bone) can plummet by as much as 5 per cent per year. This is why the bone-thinning condition osteoporosis – that causes frailty, a high risk of fracture and loss of height — affects one in three women over the age of 50 in the UK.
According to a report in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the most crucial ‘controllable’ factor that affects skeletal health is the amount of bone-loading exercise we do. A study from the University of Cambridge found that only high-impact exercise, like running, reduces the risk of hip fracture — low impact exercise, like walking, had no beneficial effect on bone density. But you don’t have to become a runner to protect your bones.
One study found that 50 jumps a day — taking just a couple of minutes — significantly improved bone density in a group of pre-menopausal women. Any high-impact exercise, such as skipping, aerobics or dancing, is effective, while resistance training is excellent for the bones and joints that aren’t normally weight-bearing (such as the wrists and cervical spine). Weight-supported activities, such as cycling and swimming, have no effect on bone at all, since there is no load.
And if you were wondering whether all that joint pounding is bad for you, read on … Regular exercise through a full range of motion can help maintain joint mobility and function (according to research published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery). Another study, published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, showed that even something as high impact as running could protect against osteoarthritis by keeping joints and connective tissue strong, mobile and topped up with nutrients.
So there are a few more things to think about next time you’re deciding between your training shoes and your slippers …

Female health through the decades

Stay healthy throughout your life

Every woman's exercise needs change throughout their life. With this in mind, here is our guide to the actions and exercises that you'll need to do in order to maintain your health during four important decades of your life.
Woman on exercise mat
Each decade brings with it different changes and challenges which you'll need to address in order to stay in tip-top condition as you age through the decades. Check out each of the decades to find out what you should be doing (or should have been doing) to keep the effects of aging to a minimum.
  1. Female health in your 20s
  2. Female health in your 30s
  3. Female health in your 40s
  4. Female health in your 50s

Thursday 24 September 2015

5 food cravings conquered

What your cravings really mean and how to overcome them

We all crave ‘bad’ foods from time to time, but your cravings could signal more than you think. Check out these hidden meanings behind five common food cravings and find out how you can overcome them.

What you crave: Chocolate

What you need: Magnesium

Chocolate is one of the world’s most commonly craved foods and, while you may feel as though you are addicted to the sweet treat, it is believed that what many of us are craving when we are hankering after some chocolate is in fact the mineral magnesium.
Beat your chocolate cravings by eating more magnesium-rich foods

Healthy food swaps: Dark chocolate, nuts and seeds, medjool dates

To help ease chocolate cravings, make sure that you are getting enough magnesium in your daily diet through healthy sources such as nuts, seeds and pulses. Also, when those chocolate cravings strike, try switching to 85 per cent dark chocolate. Although chocolate can be high in fat, dark chocolate also has plenty of health benefits due to its abundance of antioxidants. Some of the reported health benefits include its ability to slow down muscle ageing, fight disease, prevent wrinkles, boost brain health and prevent heart disease. If dark chocolate doesn’t hit the spot, try snacking on medjool dates, which are rich in magnesium and a natural solution to sugar cravings.

What you crave: Pasta and bread

What you need: Serotonin

Research has found that eating carbohydrates stimulates the brain’s production of serotonin – the happy hormone. This may be why many of us crave stodgy ‘comfort’ foods such as pasta and bread when we are feeling blue.

Healthy food swaps: Sweet potatoes, lentils, beans

To get a healthy fix of carbs (minus the blood sugar crashes and energy slumps) opt for nutritious and low GI carbohydrates which will release a steady supply of energy and keep you feeling full for longer. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include beans, lentils, oats and sweet potatoes. As well as switching your carbohydrate sources, you can also reduce cravings by boosting your serotonin levels through exercise and mood-boosting activities. Try using uplifting essential oils such as neroli and lemon which also stimulate the production of serotonin in the brain.

What you crave: Sugar

What you need: Chromium

We are all tempted by sugary treats and desserts from time to time. However, if you find yourself experiencing regular, intense cravings for sugar, this could be a symptom of low levels of the mineral chromium in your diet.

Healthy swap: Grape juice, whole grains, apples

To maintain normal blood sugar levels throughout the day and keep those cravings at bay, try to snack on foods rich in the mineral chromium. Apples and whole grains are good sources of chromium and can also provide healthier solutions to sugar cravings. Snack on apple slices or porridge sweetened with honey or dried fruit next time you are tempted to indulge. Try also replacing your sugary carbonated drink with a glass of antioxidant-rich grape juice, which is also a great source of chromium.

What you crave: Burgers

What you need: Iron

Craving burgers, sausages or steak? Intense and frequent cravings for red meat could be a sign that you are deficient in iron – an essential mineral which is required for the production of healthy red blood cells.

Healthy swap: Lean meat, fish, pulses, nuts

Unless you are opposed to eating meat for ethical reasons, craving meat is not necessarily a bad thing, so long as you make healthy choices. Rather than filling up on highly processed and fatty sources of meat such as burgers, opt for quality lean meat such as chicken or turkey. Alternatively, oily fish is a good source of iron and contains many other health-boosting nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids. For those who wish to refrain from eating meat, vegan sources of iron such as beans, lentils and nuts can help to ease your cravings.

What you crave: Salty snacks

What you need: To relax

You may think that your cravings for savory snacks are simply based on how good they taste, but research suggests your salt cravings could in fact be a symptom of stress. Research from the University of Cincinnati has shown that the sodium in salt blunts the body's natural responses to stress by inhibiting stress hormones, meaning that your cravings for salty foods could be your body’s attempt to deal with stress.

Healthy swap: Popcorn, baked potato, edamame beans

The best way to overcome stress-induced salt cravings is of course to find a healthier way to deal with stress. Experiment with different relaxation techniques, such as exercise, meditation or aromatherapy, to find one that works for you. If you are still craving salty snacks, opt for those rich in nutrients and low in fat (such as lightly salted popcorn) for a healthier option. As potassium can help to reduce the harmful effects of sodium on blood pressure and the heart, choose foods which are rich in potassium too, such as salted edamame beans or a lightly seasoned baked potato.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Beginner’s Guide to 7 Day GM Diet Plan

people on GM diet
REMEMBER: You Will Lose Lots of Weight with This Diet in 7 Days! INCLUDED: What to Eat During Days 1-7, Indian & Vegetarian Version + The “Special” GM Diet Soup!
If you have been trying to lose anywhere between 10 to 20 pounds just as quickly as humanly possible, then you should focus on the General Motors (GM) diet.
This 7-day weight loss plan was originally designed by the GM Corporation to make sure that each and every one of their employees have the information they needed to shed excessive pounds whenever they wanted to!
Surprisingly, this program has quickly gained a global following!
If you’ve always wanted to be able to lose a crazy amount of weight in just 7-days, then you’ll want to pay close attention to all of the information outlined below!

Everything You Need to Know About This Program

basket with vegetables
The General Motors plan is a nutritional guide that is different from just about any other diet out there. However, it incorporates already known aspects of weight loss that have had fantastic results!
For instance, the GM diet is broken down into a meal schedule for just one week! It was built on the back of weekly programs that both Atkins and South Beach dieters used to great success in the past!
Keep in mind: Basically, this entire plan has been designed and developed from the ground up to produce stunning weight loss in a hurry – by helping you eat much more efficiently and in a healthy way! All this is possible without forcing you to do anything that you wouldn’t find enjoyable and pleasurable.

The Simple 7-Day GM Meal Plan

Day #1

fruit samples

On day one, also known as adjustment day, you should focus on getting down the basics. Your daily menu should be composed only of fruit and water while you have to follow these rules:
  • You should drink between 8-10 glasses of pure water!
  • You can eat almost any fruit!
  • You have to avoid bananas, oil and fruit juices at all costs!
My advice: You should eat some apples and drink a couple of glasses of water for breakfast. Then you should switch to other fruits (I highly suggest a watermelon) at lunchtime, following up with even more fruits as your dinner!

Day #2

various vegetables

On your second day of the General Motors diet, you should focus on eating only vegetables. Trust me that this day will be hard for you unless you will follow these rules:
  • You can eat any vegetable & greens (raw, cooked or baked)!
  • You have to drink multiple glasses of pure water!
  • You have to limit your oil intake as much as possible!
  • Baked potatoes can make this day a lot easier!
Extra advice: Eating baked potatoes will help you go through this very hard period!

Day #3

fruits and vegetables
The day 3 is where we begin to mix and tweak previous two meal plans. On this day, you should eat almost any fruit and any vegetable as long as you will follow these rules:
  • Drink a lot of water throughout the day!
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables!
  • You can not eat bananas, potatoes, oil and fruit juice!
Keep in mind: Eating fruits in the morning and finishing the evening off with fresh vegetables is all you need for this day!

Day #4

bananas in market
On day 4 you will be eating only bananas, milk, water and special GM soup. However, you have to follow these rules:
  • You should eat 8-10 bananas!
  • At least 3 glasses of milk!
  • There are no limits to amounts of GM soup you can eat!
  • Drink a lot of water!
  • Avoid eating oil and drinking fruit juice!
My advice: You should start with fruits in the morning. Then, you should have the special General Motors soup (see the recipe for this wonder soup at the end of this article) at the lunch and dinner. You can add a couple of bananas if you feel like a snack is in order!

Day #5

fish lean meat
There is cool change on the day 5. If you are a vegetarian, you will have rice, and if you are a meat lover, then you can have a lean meat such as fish! Except that, you have to follow these rules:
  • You can have lean meat or brown rice!
  • You should eat 6-8 tomatoes!
  • You have to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water!
  • As stated above, you can have lean meat or brown rice!
  • As always avoid oil and fruit juice!
My advice: Include your rice or lean meat to your main meals such as lunch and dinner!

Day #6

brown rice

You are near the end and day 6 is approaching. You should get ready to eat according these rules:
  • You can eat unlimited quantities of vegetables.
  • Again, you will have brown rice or lean meat!
  • You should drink a lot of water!
  • You should avoid oil and fruit juice at all costs!
Pay attention: Finally, this day is going to bring more and more vegetables, as you’ll want to eliminate as much of the fruits and glucose as possible before you hit the “homestretch”. You can enjoy meat as well!

Day #7

plum smoothie

Get ready for the grand finale! On the last day, you can eat a lot of 3 foods as long as you follow these rules:
  • You can eat brown rice!
  • You can combine the rice with vast amounts of vegetables!
  • You should drink a lot of water!
  • You can have all fruit juices you like!
  • You should avoid oil as much as possible!
Pay attention: At this day, you will be pushing out that extra fat from your body! If you want to, you can continue with this nutritional plan to enjoy even better results!

The 7 Day GM Diet Chart

The GM Diet Plan: How To Lose Weight In Just 7 Days?
The Indian & Vegetarian Version of GM Diet Meal Plan
If you would like to move forward with this diet without adding any meat to the program whatsoever, then feel free to do so.
All you need to do is to follow these simple rules:
  • Make sure that you increase your daily caloric intake on days that include meat!
  • If you do not do this, then you might notice a major drop in energy and a slowdown in weight loss process.
Pay attention! Here is detailed GM meal plan adjusted for Indian & vegetarian version –

Simple Recipe for The “Special” Diet Soup

6 Ingredients

This “wonder” soup is very easy to prepare. All you’ll need are just these ingredients:
  • 6 Large onions
  • 2 Green peppers
  • 3 Tomatoes
  • 1 Whole cabbage
  • 1 Bunch of celeries
  • About 22 ounces of water
Please note: As you can see these 6 ingredients are very easy to get and will not cost you a fortune!

7 Simple Directions

  1. Firstly, you need to cut onions & peppers into small pieces.
  2. Sauté them in just a bit of olive oil (Until they are light brown color).
  3. In the meantime, chop rest of your vegetables (Cabbage, celery & tomatoes).
  4. Add these to a stockpot with water & bring to a boil.
  5. You’ll want to add onions & peppers from step 2 to this stockpot.
  6. Cook it for about an hour or so.
  7. Add salt or pepper in moderate amounts.
After step 7 you will finally have fantastic GM soup, enjoy!

My Final Thoughts on This Diet

There are countless weight loss products out there on the market, but this is one of the few solutions to have proven itself time and time again – all across the globe.
If you want to get skinny, the General Motors diet is everything you have been searching for and so much more!

5 Minute Workout #20 - Full Body Torture

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Glazed Chicken Thighs

Ingredients serves 4
  • 8 chicken thighs
  • 4 tbsp tomato ketchup
  • 4 tbsp soy sauce
  • 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 4 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp Brewer’s Paste


  1. 1 Heat the oven to 160°C/140°C fan/gas 3.
  2. 2 Put the chicken in a shallow dish.
  3. 3 To make the glaze, mix the remaining ingredients with 50ml water.
  4. 4 Pour over the chicken thighs, turning to ensure they’re well coated.
  5. 5 Put the chicken on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 35 minutes, or until cooked through and the juices run clear, occasionally brushing with any leftover glaze to form a sticky coating.
  6. 6 Serve with Colourful coleslaw.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

7 places to run before you die

The best running trails in the world

The world is full of paths, routes, trails and courses that are just waiting to be explored by you. From dusty trails through mountainous areas to pristine, picturesque beaches, the best places to run in the world are varied, exciting and deserve your attention. Here we show you which places you should run in if you get the chance and give you some top tips about how to make your run better whilst you are there:
Running green grass blue sky

MacRitchie Reservoir Loop, Singapore

The MacRitchie Reservoir Loop is a 10km loop around Singapore’s oldest reservoir. The course is adventurous, exciting and unique. You begin on asphalt boards and then move on to wooden boardwalks. Then as you move further round the trail you find yourself running through a luscious, monkey-filled jungle. Handily there are shower, toilet and drinking water facilities at the start and end points of the MacRitchie Reservoir Loop. 

Grand Canyon, Arizona, US

If you’re a seasoned runner looking for a tough challenge then running one of the Grand Canyon routes might be for you. There are several courses you could take. For example, you could run from the South Rim to the North Rim (20.6 miles) or follow the generally level pathway of the Greenway trails. Whichever course you choose to take you will be guaranteed to experience impressive scenery, steep climbs and a sense of freedom that you can only get from running somewhere incredible.

Central Park, New York

Central Park in New York has to be one of the best parks for running in the world. It’s varied terrain offers runners the chance to mix up their runs and choose routes of varying difficulty.  There are soft cinder paths where you can enjoy views of the reservoir, or there are tracks that take you past blossoming cherry trees. Plus there are always great people to watch and a fantastic, energising atmosphere in the park. The best time to run in Central Park is when the park is closed to cars (Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm and from 7pm to 10pm, weekends from 7pm Friday through to 6am Monday).

Bigfork, Montana

Bigfork is a town that boasts beauty, tranquillity and picturesque charm. It also holds a certain allure for keen runners because it is home to some of the quietest and most scenic running routes in the world. You can run along the peaceful forest paths or around the huge Flathead Lake, whilst admiring stunning mountain views and breathing in the beautifully clean air. 

Housel Bay to Lizard Point, Cornwall, England

Cornwall has unbeatable scenery and this South West coastal path that runs from Housel Bay to Lizard Point will not disappoint when it comes to mesmerizing scenery. This one and half mile route takes you past sheltered coves, exposed cliffs and wild flowers. There are some steeper sections, but on the whole this is a pleasant course that isn’t going to be too trying for a regular runner. 

Cinnamon Hill, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Jamaica’s contribution to athletics and running in particular is phenomenal, so naturally it offers some incredible places to run. Supposedly the world-class sprinter Usain Bolt enjoys running at Cinnamon Hill, which is just one of the many fantastic locations to run in Jamaica. If you fancy tackling Cinnamon Hill you can start off on the beach and run up to Cinnamon Hill Golf Course. Then, once at the golf course head towards Cinnamon Hill itself. Here you will find views that are so perfect and glossy they look as though they are a part of a film set.  

Kingston Bridge to Hampton Court Palace, London

If you want a quick course this is the run for you. Running from Kingston to Hampton Court Palace takes you along the flat Thames Tow Path, which means you can run quickly and get a decent time along this four and a half kilometre distance. Not only will you see the beautiful formal gardens and Henry VIII’s palace at Hampton Court Palace, your city route will also give you great views of the Thames and take you over gravel, tarmac and rural areas of London that might come as a surprise in this often hectic metropolis.

Monday 7 September 2015

Team Beach Body Products Explained

Selecting the Proper Team Beach Body Product for You

Team Beach Body products were added to our site to help provide a convenient at home solution for individuals who haven’t worked out consistently in awhile. These products allow for you to work out in the comfort of your own home or they can be brought to a gym, studio, office, or friends house to be done in a group style format. If you haven’t worked out in awhile going to the gym can be an intimidating experience. These products can help you shed weight and learn basic movements before you transition into a public gym setting. We offer a wide selection of workout programs but with so many products to choose from it can hard to pick a product that’s right for you and your situation. This article will help shed some light on which Team Beach Body workout package is best for your situation to help get you started on the road to a healthier you.
If you decide to purchase any of these products please remember to set up a free account at the Team Beach Body website and designate SK Health and Fitness as your coach. We’ll help answer any questions about the program, provide additional tips for workouts and diet, provide motivation, help you through sticking points, and provide support to help you reach your fitness goals.


p90 (series Includes p90, p90x, p90x2, p90x3)

The P90 series offers 4 products to help build and tone your body from head to toe. These videos go over a variety of exercises from free weight exercises like dumbbell curls, callisthenic movements like pushups, abdominal exercises, and many others with short rest periods to keep up the intensity. Modifications of exercises are available to adjust the difficultly level so beginners to intermediate athletes can still get a quality workout from this product. The later series of products provide more compact workouts that can be done in as little as 30 minutes but all of the series will provide a good starting point for anyone looking to get into a daily workout habit. Some of the benefits of the P90 series products is that they require very little equipment, offer a variety of difficultly levels, are quick and effective, and will help you to build muscle mass which will help prevent you from putting back on any of the fat that you lost. These workouts have a stronger emphasis on toning and muscle building rather than fat loss.

Insanity Series (Series includes INSANITY, INSANITY: THE ASYLUM, and INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Volume 2, INSANITY MAX:30)

The Insanity series of products are focused on fast-paced, short, extremely intense workouts that melt away fat. The original Insanity workouts are more for the everyday user while The Asylum series are more for athletic individuals looking to increase their athletic capacity. These workouts include a variety of movements ranging from calisthenics, plyometrics, and heavy cardio movements and are ideal for burning fat. These workouts involve a lot of jumping and agility based movements so if you have joint issues or struggle with these types of movements you may not be able to perform all of the movements in every workout. The Insanity series of products have a stronger emphasis on burning fat so they won’t help as much with building new muscle mass.


Do you enjoy yoga? Do you prefer a more low-impact workout to tone up with? Then PiYo may be the program you have been looking for. This program is based on low-impact, bodyweight movements that require no equipment. These workouts do not include movements like jumping that can stress the joints. By using your own bodyweight these workouts help you to increase flexibilty, core strength, and burn fat. The PiYo workouts will help you tone up but are not ideal for those looking to put on new muscle mass.

21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix EXTREME

This program’s key factor is the portion control meal plan that’s included with the program. While all of the products offer some form of meal plan, this system helps to take some of the guess work out of prepping your food. Included in the program are color coded tupperware containers to help you adjust your portions. Simply fill each of the included plastic containers with the appropriate food item and it takes the guess work out of portioning your food. Included in this package are 30 minute a day workouts to help get you active. The workouts are more generalized so this package is more for the individual that wants to put a stronger emphasis on diet to reach their fat loss goals.

Other Programs We Offer:


Body Beast

A great program for packing on muscle mass.  This program is ideal for men or women looking to add lean muscle mass.

Brazil Butt Lift / Brazil Butt Lift Master Series

A program designed for women looking to produce a more shapely butt while helping to reduce their midsection and tone their overall body.

Dance Programs (Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Rockin’ Body)

These programs are designed to make working out fun through dance type movements.  The primary difference between the programs is the type of music that the programs are centered around.

Les Mills Combat

Workouts based on mixed martial art based movements ideal for burning fat and toning.

Focus T25

A program similar to Insanity but compacted down to 25 minute workouts.  Short, fast paced workouts focused on fat loss.


Workout programs based on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) type workouts.  These workouts are quick and intense which will help you torch fat while increasing your cardiovascular capacity.

Les Mills Pump

Workouts consisting of barbell based movements focusing on high-rep, low-weight movements.

Primary Goal:Workout Program:
My emphasis is fat loss:Insanity/Focus T25/TurboFire/Combat/Pump
My emphasis is on losing fat mostly through diet21 Day Fix
I am looking for a 30 minute workout program INSANITY MAX:30/21 Day Fix EXTREME
I want a dance based workout similar to ZumbaHip Hop Abs/Turbo Jam/Rockin' Body
I want to focus on creating a better looking butt:Brazil Butt Lift/Brazil Butt Lift Master Series
My Emphasis is on athletic conditioning:Insanity: The Asylum/The Asylum Volume 2/or a custom program by SK Health and Fitness
I have joint issues:PiYo
I don't want to get bulky:PiYo/21 Day Fix
I want to pack on muscle mass:Body Beast/P90/P90X2/P90X3

Wednesday 2 September 2015

How to eat yourself beautiful

10 healthy foods to solve your beauty problems

Fed up of pricey skin creams, disappointing hair products and time-consuming beauty treatments? Then it’s time to eat yourself beautiful! Check out these 10 nutritious snacks that can solve your beauty problems.

Beauty problem: Weak or thinning hair

What to eat: Whole grains

Whole grains such as brown rice and oats are rich in essential B vitamins including biotin (B7), which can help alleviate hair loss and brittle hair. They are also a good source of silica, which can help reduce hair breakage, and zinc; an important hair nutrient which, in its deficiency, can lead to hair loss. Try to eat a variety of whole grains (opting for those that are as close to their natural state as possible) for healthy, strong and shiny hair.
Eat yourself beautiful with these foods for strong healthy hair, perfect teeth and glowing skin

Beauty problem: Dark under-eye circles

What to eat: Spinach

There are many causes of dark circles under the eyes, including heredity, tiredness and anaemia; however, one of the reasons for dark circles can be poor circulation. To address this cause and alleviate under-eye shadows, try to up your intake of vitamins K and C, which help to boost circulation and strengthen capillary walls. Dark, leafy greens such as spinach are good sources of these nutrients.

Beauty problem: Dry skin

What to eat: Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are a great source of vitamin E, which can help the skin to retain its natural moisture levels and stay soft and hydrated. Opt for flaxseeds or walnuts for maximum skin benefits, as these are also rich in skin-saving omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to keep dry skin at bay.

Beauty problem: Stained teeth

What to eat: Crunchy fruit and vegetables

The most important steps for getting perfect white teeth are maintaining good oral health standards (brushing, flossing and regularly visiting the dentist) and cutting down on cigarettes and teeth-staining foods and drinks. However, following meals with crunchy fruits and vegetables such as apples, celery and carrots can also help to whiten teeth. The abrasiveness of these crunchy foods can help to give your teeth a post-meal clean, removing bacteria and lifting stains from your teeth.

Beauty problem: Chapped lips

What to eat: Yogurt and oatmeal smoothie

Cracked, flaky lips can affect us all from time to time, but if you find yourself suffering regularly from chapped lips it could be a sign of a B vitamin deficiency. The B vitamin complex help to nourish the skin and keep it healthy, so try increasing your intake of foods rich in B vitamins – such as yogurt and oats – to help keep chapped lips hydrated. Oats and yogurt are also good sources of zinc, which can help sore, cracked lips to heal more quickly.

Beauty problem: Under-eye bags

What to eat: Avocado

If you’re suffering from a puffy face or under-eye bags, it could be that you’re experiencing fluid retention. Luckily, this can be overcome through your diet by redressing your balance of sodium and potassium. Try cutting back on salt and increasing your intake of potassium-rich foods such as avocado. Avocado is also rich in healthy fatty acids which will help to keep the skin soft and supple and reduce inflammation.
Eating avocado can reduce under-eye bags and give you soft supple skin

Beauty problem: Wrinkles

What to eat: Oily fish

To help keep skin supple and wrinkle-free, make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help to keep skin nourished from within, preventing dehydration and dryness, and boost the skin’s collagen production, helping to prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. If you are not a fan of oily fish, other good sources of omega-3 include flaxseeds and walnuts.

Beauty problem: Acne

What to eat: Garlic

Garlic is not only a great heart-healthy superfood, it is also good for helping to keep skin clear and acne-free. With its natural antibiotic, blood cleansing, immune boosting and antibacterial properties, garlic can help to fight against the bacteria responsible for acne, while its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the swelling and inflammation.

Beauty problem: Pale complexion

What to eat: Shellfish

If you are suffering from pale, sallow skin, it could be that you are suffering from anaemia, which is caused by deficiencies in iron or vitamin B12. To alleviate this, try upping your intake of these nutrients by eating more seafood – in particular oysters – which contain high levels of both.

Beauty problem: Weak, brittle nails

What to eat: Egg yolk

Research has suggested that upping your intake of biotin (vitamin B7) can help to improve the firmness and strength of nails and reduce brittleness, while studies have also suggested that deficiencies in iron and zinc can lead to nail abnormalities. To strengthen your nails, try consuming more egg yolk-rich foods such as omelettes and pancakes, which are rich in these essential nutrients. Eggs are also a great source of protein, which is essential for healthy nail growth.