Thursday 31 July 2014

7 celebrity health secrets

How celebs keep healthy

Celebs always seem to look healthy, and we’ve been on a mission to disclose their health secrets. We’re fed up of bumping into exes on the day that all our spots break out, or waking up with dry, dull hair on the morning of a big event. So, we’ve sussed out the top celebrity health secrets. This is the key to looking glowing, healthy, and wide-awake:

Celebrity health secret 1: Jennifer Anniston does yoga

Our favourite TV star keeps fit through yoga – an ancient exercise technique that connects the mind, body and spirit through strengthening poses, controlled breathing, and meditation. Yoga has a whole host of health benefits including its ability to lower blood pressure, boost blood flow, and strengthen the immune system.

Celebrity health secret 2: Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie takes shots of vinegar

Black Eyed Peas’ singer Fergie takes two daily tablespoons of organic cider vinegar to stay trim. Experts say that this is a tried and tested technique to shed the pounds, and it works. Vinegar flushes out fats in the colon, aids digestion, and helps to kick cravings. This is a perfectly natural way to aid the process of losing weight.

Celebrity health secret 3: Gwyneth Paltrow drinks green tea

Green tea has a whole host of health benefits, as well as a star-studded line of celebrity followers including Gwyneth Paltrow and Courtney Love. As well as being jam-packed full of antioxidants, green tea is a great way to hydrate the body because it contains antioxidants – polyphenols, to be precise – which help to block the growth of cancer cells. If green tea isn’t really your cup of tea (get it?) then try white tea, which is bursting with health benefits too.

Celebrity health secret 4: Kristen Bell just can’t stop laughing

She’s the famous voice of Gossip Girl, and also seems to be the voice of reason when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Kristen Bell has admitted in the past that she would never go on a no-carb, no-sugar diet. Instead, Kristen keeps healthy in a happier way: by laughing. Laughing eases depression, improves your immune system, helps to lower blood pressure, and keeps your heart healthy. The kind of laugh that makes your ribs hurt exercises your diaphragm and stomach muscles, as well as working out your shoulders and making you feel relaxed. Laughing is basically a mini workout. Nice one Kristen!
Women laughing

Celebrity health secret 5: Katherine Heigl eats mini meals

Katherine Heigl eats mini meals throughout the day to keep her body in tip-top condition. Eating something every couple of hours keeps your metabolism ticking over, so it ultimately helps you to lose weight. Eating small meals also makes you less likely to binge on unhealthy snacks throughout the day. In the past, Heigl has revealed that she eats five high-protein meals a day and follows a strict exercise regime.

Celebrity health secret 6: Emma Stone does Pilates

Pilates was originally developed to rehabilitate injured soldiers but has since become a way for us civilian folk to strengthen our bodies too. Emma Stone has confessed to being a fan of Pilates as, being naturally slender, she doesn’t need to slog away in the gym to keep her weight down – it’s alright for some! Pilates helps to build muscular endurance and stability, and is a great way to keep fit and tone the body.
Woman doing yoga exercise

Celebrity health secret 7: Beyonce hydrates with water

Beyonce’s toned curvy frame has always been the envy of girls everywhere. Her appearance in the Dream Girls movie sparked even more speculation after she dropped 20 pounds for the movie. Beyonce later revealed that she lost the weight on a master cleanse diet, which involves drinking lots of water to flush out the existing toxins in your body, before sticking to a strict diet full of precious nutrients. Drinking lots of water helps to get rid of waste toxins, cleanse the colon, and eliminates fluids that may be building up to cause cellulite, bloating, and poor complexion.

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