Tuesday 7 October 2014

10 kitchen tips to keep you slim

10 quick ways to make your kitchen diet-friendly With its fridge and cupboards full of tempting treats, sometimes the kitchen can seem like a dangerous place to be when you’re trying to lose weight. However, with a few subtle kitchen changes you can equip yourself for better diet success. Here are our top 10 kitchen tips to help you stay slim. Keep healthy foods visible... A study by researchers at Cornell University found that we are three times more likely to eat the first item we see in the kitchen than the fifth, meaning that keeping healthy food visible could aid your dieting goals. Try to make healthy food options more accessible by ensuring they are as appealing and convenient as possible, as well as making them visible and easy to find. Leave out a colourful fruit bowl, prepare a salad in advance, and put some chopped veggies at the front of your fridge, for example. Keep healthy foods at the front of your fridge to maximise your chances of dieting success ... And move ‘bad’ foods out of sight Just as putting healthy foods in a prominent position can help your diet, it follows that the opposite is also true. While it may be best to avoid buying junk food completely, if you must stock up on the odd treat make sure they are hidden away at the back of cupboards to help prevent cravings. By making these foods a little more difficult to get to (store them behind piles of tins, in high cupboards or in locked drawers – whatever helps), you will also prevent mindless snacking and give yourself some thinking time to decide whether you really want to give in to temptation. Get some fridge-spiration To help stay motivated in the face of your cravings, try transforming your fridge from a source of temptation into an inspirational reminder of your progress so far. Consider sticking your favourite photograph of yourself on your fridge for a positive reminder of why you should resist those cravings next time you’re tempted to hit the fridge. Alternatively, stick on a motivational quote or a handwritten note to yourself listing five good reasons not to binge. Opt for small, blue serving dishes While many of us think we are eating standard portion sizes, this is in fact not always the case. To help reduce your temptation to overeat, try swapping your plates, bowls, glasses and cutlery for smaller ones, which will help control your serving sizes as well as how quickly you eat. Also, while you are making the switch, think about opting for a blue color scheme for your crockery, as blue is thought to act as an appetite suppressant. Set aside an eating area Whether you eat your meals in the kitchen or a separate dining room, it is important to set aside an area with a table where you can sit down and eat. Furthermore, it is important to ensure you actually sit there. Make it a rule never to eat out of packets or standing up and you will find that this drastically reduces your tendency to overeat. The process of putting food on a plate and sitting down to eat it not only reduces the tendency to mindlessly pick at food, it also increases your awareness of what – and how much – you are eating, and may make you think twice about doing it. Spice up your kitchen Your cupboards and fridge may be packed with healthy items, but how’s your spice rack looking? You might not class it as a kitchen essential, but if you’re looking to cut calories in your meals it can help to keep a well-stocked herb and spice rack. Not only does adding herbs and seasonings to your meals add flavoring to your food without extra calories, but spices such as cinnamon, cayenne, black pepper and ginger can actually help to promote weight loss. Keep your herb and spice rack well stocked to add flavouring to your meals without extra calories Keep your kitchen tidy If you’re lacking motivation to cook, it may be that your kitchen’s to blame. Cluttered worktops and messy cupboards hardly act as an incentive to start whipping up a gourmet delight so, if you have to clear a path to the oven or forge through piles of half-opened packets of food to get to what you want, it may be time to give your kitchen a makeover. Treat your kitchen as a place for food preparation – rather than a rubbish dump, mailroom or storage space – and you may be more inspired to reach for the wooden spoon rather than a takeaway menu the next time hunger strikes. Impose a TV ban If you’re one of the large number of people who prefers to eat their meals in front of a TV or computer screen, then you could be sabotaging your diet without even realizing it. According to research findings published in the British Journal of Nutrition, eating when distracted can cause you to ignore signals from your body that you’ve had enough, leading you to eat more than you normally would. To help cut your calorie intake, make sure you keep distracting items such as the television out of your eating area, and try to keep the two activities separate. Set kitchen “closing hours” To help cut the amount of food you are consuming, it is helpful to make the kitchen out-of-bounds once you have finished your evening meal. Move anything you may need during those hours out of the kitchen (and no, this doesn’t include chocolate!), then turn off the light and close the door as a reminder to yourself that the kitchen is now closed. While you will still need to rely on your own willpower to stick to these rules, this should help reduce mindless snacking and trips to the kitchen next time you’re feeling bored. Kill your cravings with vanilla If you struggle to resist sugar cravings following your evening meal, it may be worth investing in a vanilla-scented air freshener or candle for your kitchen. A study at St George’s hospital, south London, found that using vanilla-scented patches on the back of participants’ hands significantly reduced their appetite for sweet foods and drinks. It is thought that this is due to the smell of vanilla, which is believed to help suppress sweet cravings.

Friday 3 October 2014

Dukan Diet

The Dukan method has grown out of Doctor Pierre Dukan's 40 years of experience working with patients. He has devised a weight-loss method structured around 4 phases, two for losing weight, two for stabilising the weight you get down to, using a list of 100 permitted foods from which you can eat as much as you want. This method, based on natural proteins, is nowadays acknowledged as one of the most effective tools available for tackling obesity worldwide. The original method: a diet structured around 4 phases les quatre phases DukanThe Dukan diet was the first to offer a structured, rigorous approach with real results in 4 phases: 2 phases for losing weight and 2 phases for maintaining and stabilising your True Weight. The attack phase: rapid and highly motivating weight loss 72 foods, high in natural proteins, to kick-start your dieting. The cruise phase: gradually get down to your True Weight You alternate NP days (Natural Proteins) with PV days (Proteins and Vegetables) as you reintroduce the 28 recommended vegetables. The consolidation phase: re-educate your body to avoid putting weight back on. You gradually reintroduce higher calorie foods and celebration meals. Each week your NP Thursday, your day of Natural Proteins, helps you readjust your True Weight if necessary, so that you avoid any rebound effect. Consolidation is made up of the 100 unlimited permitted foods (proteins and vegetables), and you now add to them 1 portion of leg of lamb and pork fillet per week. You are no longer restricted to extra-lean ham without any fat or rind, you are now allowed to eat traditional cooked ham. With this as your base, the following are added in ascending order: Extras in the 1st half of consolidation Extras in the 2nd half of consolidation 1 portion of fruit per day* 2 portions of fruit per day* 2 slices of wholemeal bread per day 2 slices of wholemeal bread per day 40 g (1 1/2 oz) hard cheese 40 g (1 1/2 oz) hard cheese 1 x 220 g (7 3/4 oz) portion of starchy foods per week 2 x 220 g (7 3/4 oz) portions of starchy foods per week 1 celebration meal per week** 2 celebration meals per week** *Except bananas, grapes, figs and cherries **Celebration meal = a "free" meal comprising an aperitif (wine, etc,), a starter, a main course and a portion of cheese OR a dessert. During the meal the only thing you must do is serve yourself just once for each course. The stabilisation phase: you are free to eat how you wish, with 3 simple rules you must follow for the rest of your life • NP Thursdays: one day of natural proteins every week • 20 minutes of walking every day and never use lifts or escalators • 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day 100 permitted foods - the cornerstone of the system 100aliments autorisés Get used to eating freely in a controlled way. As long as you stick to the permitted foods, you don't need to check how much you're eating. The Dukan Diet is firmly based around 100 permitted foods that you can eat as much as you want: 72 Pure Proteins, fish, meat, seafood, vegetable proteins, fat-free dairy products and 28 vegetables. And let's not forget the foodstuff that is such a vital part of the Dukan method: oat bran. Dieting while there is such food abundance all around us is unnatural, terribly trying and often a distressing experience. The Dukan method allows you to lose weight naturally by going back to those foods that mankind was built on, the very foods that the first men, the hunter-gatherers, ate. Exercise: vital to the method l'activité physique Physical exercise is included in every phase of the method and has to be adapted to suit each individual. The minimum requirement is to walk every day. You are recommended to take other exercise that you enjoy such as aerobics, cycling, swimming, dance and fitness classes and so on. The important thing is to be active. By taking exercise you use up calories, burn up your fat reserves and tone and firm up your skin.

Friday 19 September 2014

Top 10 motivational quotes for dieters

Amazing quotes to help your dieting journey

Want to diet more effectively? It’s a long tough road, but when you get to the end you’ll feel and look amazing. To help you out, we’ve put together these 10 motivational quotes that will turn you into a champion dieter in no time at all.
Top 10 motivational quotes for dieters

“The groundwork of all happiness is health” – Leigh Hunt

Did you know that people at a healthy weight are generally happier than those who are overweight? According to a study carried out at Leiden University, overweight people are more prone to depression. That means if you stick to your diet and lose weight not only will you look amazing, you’ll also feel much happier in your day-to-day life!

“It took more than a day to put it on. It will take more than a day to take it off.” - Anonymous

Dieting is not an instant process, and that’s why it’s hard. But that’s also why it’s worth doing. Don’t be dismayed when you haven’t dropped four dress sizes in a week, or wonder where your washboard abs are after a day of eating healthily. Results from dieting take time, but when they do come they’re definitely worth it.

“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.” – Errick McAdams

This quote goes hand in hand with the classic “never go to the supermarket hungry”. Filling your home with healthy nutritious food is the first step to dieting success, and will get you into the habit of eating healthily quicker than you might think. You’re much less likely to have a sneaky bowl of ice cream if you have to go all the way to the store to buy it.

“It takes five minutes to consume 500 calories. It takes two hours to burn them off.” – Anonymous

One of the pitfalls of dieting is all of your hard work can be undone by one moment of weakness. Next time you’re thinking of reaching for the junk food, just remember every ounce of sweat and determination that has gone into your weight loss so far. Is that muffin really worth throwing all of that away for? The answer is no.

“One must eat to live, not live to eat.” - Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

At the start of your diet you might find yourself desperately counting down the hours until your next meal. However, this feeling will soon pass. When you get into the habit of eating healthily it will become second nature, and that’s when you’ll really start to lose weight.

“Exercising should be about rewarding the body with endorphins and strength. Not about punishing your body for what you’ve eaten.” - Anonymous

If you use exercise as an excuse to cheat on your diet, you’ll never get anywhere. Successful dieters understand that eating healthily and exercising work best when used together, rather than on their own. Just because you’ve been to the gym in the morning, doesn’t mean you can have fast food and chocolate for lunch. All you’ll be doing is eating away your hard work.

“Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork” – Old English Proverb

Ask yourself this; why do you want to diet? Is there a hot new guy at the office you want to impress? Were you tagged in a bad picture on Facebook? Those reasons are all well and good if they make you eat well, but when it comes down to it you need to remember that what you eat hugely affects your health. If you eat healthily you’ll feel better, have more energy, and ultimately live longer.

“Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality” – Ralph Marston

Dieting is a fantastic thing, because if you do it properly you know that you will reach your goals. The only thing standing in the way of you and a healthy weight is your own doubts, fears and will power. Once you learn to control them it’s simply a case of learning to follow your diet until you reach your target weight and stay there.

“An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.” – Irv Kupcinet

Whilst there’s technically never a bad time to start a diet, there are definitely some days that will make it harder than others. Give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding by starting your diet on a quiet day when you know that you can control what you eat. Failing your diet instantly by starting it on Christmas day or before a birthday meal in a restaurant will just leave you feeling demotivated before you’ve even begun.

“You don’t drown by falling in water. You drown by staying there” – Anonymous

No matter what weight you’re at now, that’s not an excuse for avoiding dieting. The amount of work you have to put in might be daunting, but it’s never going to get any less until you actually start. Staying at an unhealthy weight is never a good idea, and if you accept your fate all you’re going to do is gain even more. So, are you going to start swimming, or are you going to let yourself drown?

Thursday 18 September 2014

Top 20 ways to feel great this winter

How to treat yourself this winter

It can be tough getting through the winter months. Lack of daylight can affect our moods, and the biting cold can affect our bones, skin and generally make us feel significantly worse than we would on a bright summer’s day.
There are things you can do to beat the winter blues! Read on for our top 20 ways to feel amazing this winter…
Feel amazing this winter
  • Boost your immunityWinter is a time when we are more prone to catching colds and flu, so ensure you eat a healthy balanced diet including plenty of fruit and veg.
  • Take up a winter sportIf you ever fancied having a go at a particular winter sport, then winter is obviously the time to do it!
  • Revamp your lookGive yourself a new look, whether it be getting a new hairstyle or buying a new wardrobe.
  • Get pamperedTake yourself to a health spa to be pampered from head to toe.
  • Treat yourselfBuy yourself one luxury item that you may have been promising yourself, but never got round to buying. Don’t relying on someone finally getting you it for Christmas!
  • MoisturiseOutdoor exposure and dry centrally heated homes rob your skin of its moisture during the winter. That leaves lots of dead, dry skin cells, so exfoliate and moisturize.
  • Get activeIf it's too cold outside for you, then attend a session of aerobics, yoga, circuit training or take up an indoor sport. Any form of exercise will make you feel better and more relaxed.

  • Feel amazing this winter
    • Catch up on your sleepLonger hours of darkness make it easier to sleep, so take advantage. We all know how good we feel after a good night’s sleep, but don’t get too much as this often has the effect of making you feel even more sluggish.
    • Take a winter breakA break will inevitably make us feel better. Head for some winter sun or invigorate yourself with some exciting winter sports.
    • Get out in the daylightDaylight makes us feel better, and even though it is limited in winter, we should still try to maximize our exposure to it. Perhaps take a short walk at lunchtime if it is sunny.
    • Let the light inIf you’re not keen on going out in the winter sun, then raise the blinds and let the light shine in.
    • Bring plants into the housePlants will lift your spirits and give you a taste of eternal summer.
    • Bring some color into your homeThe color orange is meant to be cheering.
    • Relax and meditateUse the time indoors to relax, perhaps with some candles or essential oils and meditate.
    • Have a massageEase your aching limbs and creaking joints with either a self-massage or rope in a friend to do it for you.
    • Clear out the clutterIn winter we tend to spend more hours indoor, so use this time to clear out the clutter and do the jobs we may have been putting off.
    • Spend more time with friendsIf we are spending more time indoors, then why not visit friends or invite them round. It will ease your conscience, if you have been neglecting your pals during the summer.
    • Enjoy a drop of the hard stuffIndulge occasionally in a nice warming drink, such as mulled wine or even a wee dram.
    • Start setting targetsStart thinking positively about your aims for the New Year, including any changes to your lifestyle you intend following.
    • Join a gymExercise is a great way to energize yourself and feel amazing. If you don’t feel like playing sport outside you could exercise in the comfort of your local gym. Make the most of the sauna, Jacuzzi or steam room to relax at the end of your sessions.
    • http://www.realbuzz.com/articles/top-20-ways-to-feel-great-this-winter/#pagination-top

Thursday 21 August 2014

Triathlon running, swimming and cycling kit

A guide to triathlon equipment

Whilst correct training for a triathlon is vital, the kit you choose to wear for the three disciplines of swimming, running and cycling can also dictate how well you perform come triathlon race day.
Here's our guide to the swimming, cycling and running gear that you'll need to help you train and perform to your best in your triathlon event.

Triathlon swimming kit

To swim in open water, you will need goggles. For a pool swim, again it is personal preference, but we would suggest that you do wear goggles. There are many types of goggles out there in the market but don;t buy the cheapest. Try the goggles on before you buy them. They need to fit your face. The nose clip in the middle of the goggles is adjustable, as is the strap for the goggles to fit around your head. The strap design today usually has a split in it; this allows the goggles to fit around the back of your head.
Competing in a triathlon

There are many types of swimming goggles. The new types on the market are those that resemble swimming masks. These types of goggles allow much wider vision in the water, and are a big advantage in large groups of people, and in open water. The goggles that you purchase should have an ‘anti-mist’ type lens. You can buy a special solution to put on the inside of your goggles to prevent them from steaming up.
When competing in triathlons in open water, you often need to wear wetsuits. Wetsuits provide extra insulation, and for the weaker swimmers out there, they provide extra flotation. Triathlon and swimming wetsuits are much thinner than those used for surfing and other water sports. To swim any distance in a wetsuit, you need plenty of movement in the upper body area. Triathlon wetsuits are very thin in the underarm and shoulder area. This provides maximum flexibility, thereby not affecting the stroke technique.

Although your first triathlon should ideally be in a pool-based swim, many novices take the plunge and go for an open water race. If this is purely a ‘give it a go’ kind of activity then we would suggest that you hire a wetsuit for the race. The race information sheet will sometimes advertise a wetsuit hiring deal for competitors. Large races will have wetsuit suppliers there to help you out for that first attempt.
When buying a swimming wetsuit, you must seek advice from experts. There are suits designed for all abilities in the water. If you are a weak kicker in the water, there are suits that are thicker in the legs, thus more buoyant in the water helping you along the way. It is important that the suit fits you, so we would suggest that you go and try the suits on before buying. If you have purchased a new suit for your first triathlon, try it in the local pool before you race in it.

Accessories for triathlon swim training include ...

  • Pull buoys — These are small floats that you place between you thighs when swim training. It raises your legs and makes you only use your arms, improving your stroke technique, and strengthening your upper body. Use it with paddles.
  • Paddles — These are plastic paddles that go onto your hands and improve stroke technique and upper body strength. The bigger the paddle, the harder the session will be.
  • Floats — Floats will help your leg kicking, through swimming technique and strength work.

Triathlon bike kit

With the swim kit all sorted, the second element is the bike kit. The race kit that you wear in the bike section of the triathlon is usually the same as you wear in the water. Race kit today is designed not to hold water and dries very quickly. Usually after your first couple of miles, your kit is dry. Speed shorts, cycle shorts and swimwear are all acceptable to wear on the cycle leg of a triathlon.

The cycle top again is a personal preference. If you are purchasing your kit new, then most shorts will have a top that will accompany them. The racing tops are designed so that they are relatively tight to the body so that it doesn’t flap about on the cycle section. Most will be designed so that they can be worn in the swim also, either in the pool, or underneath your wetsuit.
Competing in triathlon

Features to look for are rear pockets, easy to get on and off if you’re not going to wear it for the swim and you’re going to change into it in the transition area. Most of them are sleeveless, and of a ‘singlet’ proportion. You must wear a top for the cycle section of a triathlon; it is a BTA rule.
Many triathletes wear the same kit that they swim in to complete the rest of the race. However, cycling in trunks or a swimsuit is very much a personal preference. We advise you to try a cycle ride in them before you race in them.

Cycle shorts or speed shorts are fine to swim in. Modern shorts are not heavy and will not weigh you down in the water. Speed shorts are slightly higher in the leg, and will have less padding than the usual standard cycle shorts. They are usually ‘lighter material’ than the Lycra short. Many come in a ‘dryfit’ form that is excellent for that swim-to-bike transition.

Triathlon running kit

When you have completed your second triathlon transition, it’s time for the run. For this, the only real piece of kit that you require is running shoes if you have worn cycle shoes for the cycle part. However, there is some other useful running kit to try:
Running hats. If you are competing in a race in the summer it is strongly recommended that you wear a hat. You can purchase very light running caps that keep the head cool, and are very light and breathable. For a 10km run, you could be out in the sun for an hour or more. You can also turn your hat around if your neck is burning, so that the peak protects your neck.
Elastic laces and lace locks for running shoes. These are designed to speed up transitions. Elastic laces replace your normal racing shoelace, and once your shoe is on, you just pull them and they tighten up your foot, without having to do the laces up. Lace locks are similar to those found on backpack cords. You attach them to your laces, pull the lock down, and it keeps the laces tight. Both are easy to use, and cheap.


Tuesday 12 August 2014

Beginner's guide to using weights

Top tips for resistance weights training

If you’ve decided to tone up and get in shape, resistance training is a key component of your exercise program. Before you head down to your nearest gym and start throwing some weights around, though, there are a few precautions that you need to observe. Safety is the number one consideration when lifting weights because incorrect technique can lead to reduced gains, no gains, or in the worst cases, injury. Here's the realbuzz.com beginner's guide to safe resistance training.
The key points that you should observe when carrying out resistance training are as follows:

Focus on correct posture and exercise technique at all times

Correct technique is absolutely critical when resistance training, and will enable you to specifically target the desired muscles for maximum gains. It is common to see weight trainers risking back injury through poor posture as they try to lift weights that are too heavy. Reducing the weight will protect the back area while facilitating correct technique, and will pave the way for the desired gains.

Start with light weights

Initially, only lift light weights that you can handle without difficulty, so that the correct movement is completely mastered. Progression can then take place as heavier weights are lifted.

Never compromise form by trying to lift a heavier weight

The gymnasium can be a competitive and macho environment, and trying to match your training partner’s performance or simply being over-competitive can be dangerous. It can be tempting to try and squeeze extra repetitions out of an exercise by arching the back or bringing additional muscles into play instead of the ones being targeted. Avoid over-reaching and look for consistent, steady progression as you would with any other training.

Practise controlled breathing throughout the exercise

When lifting a weight, it can be tempting to hold your breath on the ‘effort’ phase of the exercise. However, this is contraindicated and can lead to elevated blood pressure. A suitable maxim when lifting a weight is ‘suck the bar in and blow it away’. As you lift the weights and then return them to the start position, you should follow this relaxed breathing method throughout.

Use free weights, dumbbells or barbells wherever possible

Gymnasiums often have a wide selection of fixed weight machines and also loose weights such as dumbbells. Fixed machines permit the exercise to be performed in only a single plane of movement, whereas using free weights will encourage the balance element of the training, working the smaller stabilizing muscle groups at the same time as well as improving your coordination. Hence, with free weights, you get greater benefits in the same timescale.
Ensure that your conditioning program maintains your body in balance
It is common to see gym users training their ‘mirror muscles’, which results in an unbalanced posture.

For example: Someone wishing to increase their upper body muscle mass will view their physique in the gymnasium mirrors and focus on training the muscles that they can see, namely their biceps, abdominals and chest. This will result in significant muscle imbalances because their program is incomplete and other muscle groups are neglected. When a muscle develops and grows, it becomes shorter and tighter. Over-focusing on these three muscle areas will result in the postural imbalances of continually bent arms and a rounded shoulder stance. Correct training should focus on maintaining the body in complete balance rather than focusing on one or two muscle groups.
Finally, enlisting the help of a fitness professional who can assess, guide and coach you when you start weight-training is time well spent, and will make you maximize your training time and your training benefits.

Friday 8 August 2014

10 ways to look on the bright side of life

10 silver linings for life’s troubles

We all encounter problems in life from time to time, however it is possible to increase your happiness and satisfaction in life by learning to look at things differently. To help you look on the bright side of life, here are 10 silver linings to some common problems.
10 ways to look on the bright side of life

The problem: Relationship breakup

The silver lining: We’re not going to lie, breakups can feel pretty devastating. However, they also provide an opportunity to change your life for the better. Following a breakup, other neglected areas of our lives (such as a poor social life or unsatisfying job) often come more clearly into focus. You will also have more time to work on improving these areas. Rather than spending your hours mourning your relationship, put that energy into setting some goals and creating a life to be proud of.

The problem: Being passed over for promotion

The silver lining: Missing out on a promotion at work can be humiliating, painful and hard to recover from. If you didn’t get the job though, just remember that a promotion can have terrible effects on your health. A study by Warwick University found that people who had recently been promoted had no health improvements; rather their mental health decreased by a whopping 10 per cent!

The problem: Car breakdown

The silver lining: While it may not be a huge life-changing event, anyone who has had their car break down knows how annoying it can be. However, the stress of your car breaking down could actually strengthen your immune system. While long term stress is bad for us, the cortisol released through short bursts of stress causes a short term boost to the immune system. Also, being unable to use your car could be the push you need for a healthier lifestyle. Swapping your car for walking or cycling can drastically cut your risk of heart disease and decrease your risk of obesity.

The problem: Unsuccessful job interview

The silver lining: Although it can feel pretty disheartening to miss out on getting a job, it’s worth bearing in mind the saying “as one door closes another one opens”, and remembering that this missed opportunity has potentially freed you up for an even better one along the road. Also, while you may not have got the job, you have accumulated some valuable interview experience which will help you wow your prospective employers when your dream job comes along.

The problem: Weight gain

The silver lining: While gaining too much weight is bad for your health, if you have recently gained a few pounds you can take consolation in the fact that research suggests that slightly overweight people actually live longer than those of normal weight, and significantly longer than those who are excessively thin. If you tend to gain weight on your bum and thighs, even better – research shows that fat stored in this area mops up harmful fatty acids, contains an anti-inflammatory that prevents arteries from clogging, and cuts your risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

The problem: Having a fall out

The silver lining: Not many people enjoy falling out with their friends or partner. However, research has found that occasional conflict could actually be good for you. According to a study by a researcher at the University of Michigan, avoiding conflict can lead to symptoms of physical problems the next day, including an abnormal rise and fall of the stress hormone cortisol. Furthermore, expressing your feelings can lead to healthier relationships as issues can be resolved earlier on.

The problem: Getting older

The silver lining: Many of usdread gettingolder, yet research suggests that happiness actually increases with age. A study at the University of Warwick found that happiness increased as participants got older, beginning to rise from the age of 45. Furthermore, getting older can reduce your number of bad decisions. Research results published in the journal Psychological Science indicate that while younger people are often motivated by immediate results, older adults are better at evaluating the delayed benefits, as well as the immediate ones, when making decisions.

The problem: Failing a driving test

The silver lining: Many people count taking their driving test as one of the most stressful tasks they undertake, and failing your test can really knock your confidence. However, research has found that those who fail their first tests ultimately become the best drivers. The survey commissioned by Continental Tyres found that those who pass on their second attempt are less likely to suffer road rage, be stopped by the police and scare passengers with their driving. These were also likely to have fewer points on their license and have had fewer accidents in the last five years.

The problem: Bad first date

The silver lining: Bad first dates can be embarrassing,uncomfortable and disappointing, particularly when you had your hopes set high. However, it is important to think of your date less as a disaster and more as a learning opportunity. Not everyone will be right for you, but bad dates can teach you important communication skills and lessons about yourself and others that will help to prepare you for when the right person does come along. Furthermore, laughing over a bad first date can be a great way to bond with your friends later on!

The problem: Going through a rough patch

The silver lining: Unfortunately many of us go through a rough patch or two in our lives where we encounter a lot of problems. While these periods are neither fun nor desirable and can be tough to get through at times, the silver lining is that they can help to develop coping mechanisms so that we can more easily deal with problems in the future and learn not to sweat the small stuff. Tough times can be difficult to get through so may require expert help, but it is important to focus on the fact that you can get through it and you can come out the other side a stronger person.


Thursday 31 July 2014

7 celebrity health secrets

How celebs keep healthy

Celebs always seem to look healthy, and we’ve been on a mission to disclose their health secrets. We’re fed up of bumping into exes on the day that all our spots break out, or waking up with dry, dull hair on the morning of a big event. So, we’ve sussed out the top celebrity health secrets. This is the key to looking glowing, healthy, and wide-awake:

Celebrity health secret 1: Jennifer Anniston does yoga

Our favourite TV star keeps fit through yoga – an ancient exercise technique that connects the mind, body and spirit through strengthening poses, controlled breathing, and meditation. Yoga has a whole host of health benefits including its ability to lower blood pressure, boost blood flow, and strengthen the immune system.

Celebrity health secret 2: Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie takes shots of vinegar

Black Eyed Peas’ singer Fergie takes two daily tablespoons of organic cider vinegar to stay trim. Experts say that this is a tried and tested technique to shed the pounds, and it works. Vinegar flushes out fats in the colon, aids digestion, and helps to kick cravings. This is a perfectly natural way to aid the process of losing weight.

Celebrity health secret 3: Gwyneth Paltrow drinks green tea

Green tea has a whole host of health benefits, as well as a star-studded line of celebrity followers including Gwyneth Paltrow and Courtney Love. As well as being jam-packed full of antioxidants, green tea is a great way to hydrate the body because it contains antioxidants – polyphenols, to be precise – which help to block the growth of cancer cells. If green tea isn’t really your cup of tea (get it?) then try white tea, which is bursting with health benefits too.

Celebrity health secret 4: Kristen Bell just can’t stop laughing

She’s the famous voice of Gossip Girl, and also seems to be the voice of reason when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Kristen Bell has admitted in the past that she would never go on a no-carb, no-sugar diet. Instead, Kristen keeps healthy in a happier way: by laughing. Laughing eases depression, improves your immune system, helps to lower blood pressure, and keeps your heart healthy. The kind of laugh that makes your ribs hurt exercises your diaphragm and stomach muscles, as well as working out your shoulders and making you feel relaxed. Laughing is basically a mini workout. Nice one Kristen!
Women laughing

Celebrity health secret 5: Katherine Heigl eats mini meals

Katherine Heigl eats mini meals throughout the day to keep her body in tip-top condition. Eating something every couple of hours keeps your metabolism ticking over, so it ultimately helps you to lose weight. Eating small meals also makes you less likely to binge on unhealthy snacks throughout the day. In the past, Heigl has revealed that she eats five high-protein meals a day and follows a strict exercise regime.

Celebrity health secret 6: Emma Stone does Pilates

Pilates was originally developed to rehabilitate injured soldiers but has since become a way for us civilian folk to strengthen our bodies too. Emma Stone has confessed to being a fan of Pilates as, being naturally slender, she doesn’t need to slog away in the gym to keep her weight down – it’s alright for some! Pilates helps to build muscular endurance and stability, and is a great way to keep fit and tone the body.
Woman doing yoga exercise

Celebrity health secret 7: Beyonce hydrates with water

Beyonce’s toned curvy frame has always been the envy of girls everywhere. Her appearance in the Dream Girls movie sparked even more speculation after she dropped 20 pounds for the movie. Beyonce later revealed that she lost the weight on a master cleanse diet, which involves drinking lots of water to flush out the existing toxins in your body, before sticking to a strict diet full of precious nutrients. Drinking lots of water helps to get rid of waste toxins, cleanse the colon, and eliminates fluids that may be building up to cause cellulite, bloating, and poor complexion.


Tuesday 29 July 2014

How to fall asleep in the heat

Bedroom feel more like a Swedish sauna than a tranquil haven? You need these top tips from the Women's Health team - no ice facial required.

Woman giving herself an ice massage
© Shutterstock
1/ 'Best way to get to sleep in summer? I swear by a long run to tire myself out, followed by a cold shower. It's a shock to the system but grit your teeth, nothing gets your temperature down faster. Apologies to my housemates: that yelping coming from the bathroom was me.' - Katie Teehan, Deputy Sub-editor
2/ 'The only way I'll get any shut eye in summer is with thin sheets, the fan on full blast, windows open, little or no pyjamas, and an ice cold glass of water on my nightstand. Some might say that I go to extreme lengths to stay cool in the heat, and, well, they may be right.' - Alexia Dellner, Deputy Web Editor
3/ 'A crappy little oscillating fan perched on my bedside table and aimed straight at my face ensures a good night's slumber. Bonus: it gives me peaceful dreams about being out at sea!' - Agilene De Villa, Acting Chief Sub-editor
4/ 'I like to soak my feet in the bath in cold water while I'm washing my face in the sink – it cools me down just before I turn in for the night.' - Amy Grier, Features Editor
5/ 'My trick for a good night's sleep is a really long run in the evening followed by a quick shower and a boring book in bed. As soon as the lights are out, I'm zzzzzzz!' - Emily Murphy, Managing/Picture Editor
6/ 'My trick for a sleeping in the heat? Silk sheets and a peppermint pillow spray. Luxurious and cool.' - Farrah Storr, Editor
7/ 'Too hot to sleep? Easy. Just sleep naked.' - Anita Bhagwandas, Health and Beauty Editor
8/ 'If I have hot feet I CANNOT sleep! So I've invested in a cooling foot cream (Udderly Gorgeous Leg & Foot Treatment, £18.50 from cowshedonline.com) and my dreams have never been sweeter.' - Amelia Jean Jones, Editorial Assistant
9/ 'Just before bed, stand in the bath and hose your feet down with the shower head on the coldest setting you can bear. It instantly cools down your entire body and relieves (and cleans!) dusty sandal-worn feet.' -  Faye O'Sullivan, Deputy Art Director.


Tuesday 22 July 2014

10 ways to kill your cravings

How to overcome food cravings

Dieting would be oh so easy if it weren’t for those pesky cravings! Luckily, there are many things you can do to make cravings a thing of the past. Put down your fork, step away from the snacks and check out these 10 tips for beating your cravings.

Kill your cravings, tip 1: Address any deficiencies

If you experience regular, intense cravings for particular foods, it may be that you are suffering from a nutritional deficiency which your body is trying to address. It is believed that chocolate cravings can stem from a magnesium deficiency, while a lack of chromium in the diet can lead to sugar cravings. Maintaining healthy levels of zinc can also help to regulate your appetite. Make sure you are eating a wide variety of nutritious foods to address any deficiencies in your diet.
Get motivated to kill your food cravings

Kill your cravings, tip 2: Eat a little of what you fancy

Ever found that your cravings got worse the harder you tried to ignore them? A study published in the journal Appetite has suggested that many people crave the foods that they most attempt to resist. Rather than going cold turkey on your junk food addiction, having a little of what you fancy should help to reduce the temptation to binge on your favourite treats. You could try following the 80/20 rule; eating healthily 80 per cent of the time and being less strict for the other 20 per cent.

Kill your cravings, tip 3: Get active

Whether your cravings stem from hunger, boredom or lack of motivation, heading out for a run or hitting the gym could help you not to give in. Exercise is not only a great distraction from your cravings, a study led by a researcher at Loughborough University has also found that aerobic exercise can help to suppress your appetite. Furthermore, getting active will help you to feel great about your body, and you wouldn’t want to ruin all that hard work with a junk food binge now would you?

Kill your cravings, tip 4: Try healthier alternatives

Just because you’ve decided to eat healthily, that doesn’t mean you can never snack again. Rather than giving in to your junk food cravings, try experimenting with healthier alternatives, such as frozen yoghurt or sorbet instead of ice cream, seasoned popcorn rather than crisps and sweet potato wedges instead of fries.

Kill your cravings, tip 5: Buy some vanilla scented products

If you’re struggling to resist sugar cravings, try investing in a vanilla scented candle or air freshener for your home or wearing a vanilla scented perfume to curb cravings while on the go. A study at St George’s hospital, south London, found that using vanilla-scented patches on the back of participants’ hands significantly reduced their appetite for sweet foods and drinks.  It is believed that this is because the smell of vanilla can help to suppress sweet cravings

Kill your cravings, tip 6: Give yourself a happiness boost

Research has found that eating carbohydrates such as pasta, bread and potatoes stimulates the production of the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin in the brain. This may explain why many of us crave these ‘comfort’ foods when we’re feeling down. To cut your cravings, try to find healthier ways to give your serotonin levels a boost, such as meeting up with a friend, watching a comedy movie, taking part in an exercise session or smelling some uplifting essential oils such as neroli or lemon.
Taking time to relax can help to kill cravings

Kill your cravings, tip 7: Relax

Just as many of us indulge in comfort eating when we’re feeling down, stress can also be a powerful trigger for cravings. Research from the University of Cincinnati has shown that sodium in salt inhibits the body’s stress hormones, meaning that cravings for salty foods could be your body’s attempt to deal with stress. To overcome these cravings, try to avoid the things that cause you stress as much as you can and make relaxation a regular part of your routine. Find a healthier way to deal with stress when it occurs, such as working out, meditating or talking through your problems with a friend.

Kill your cravings, tip 8: Change your habits

According to research results published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, your environment can be a powerful trigger for food cravings. Maybe you associate going to the cinema with eating popcorn, for example, or watching your favourite TV show makes you reach for a snack. To banish habit-formed cravings, try to avoid the environments that trigger them. Take up a hobby that reduces your TV time, or walk a different route to work so as not to pass by your favourite coffee shop. By avoiding certain places or activities, you can help to kill those cravings.

Kill your cravings, tip 9: Start your day with a treat

While it may sound counterproductive, if your cravings are really getting on top of you, breakfast could be the perfect time to indulge.  Researchers from Tel Aviv University found that participants who ate a 600-calorie breakfast which included dessert lost an average of 40lbs more than those who had a smaller 300-calorie one. This is thought to be because the metabolism is more efficient in the morning, and also because giving into cravings first thing can help to banish them for the rest of the day.

Kill your cravings, tip 10: Get enough sleep

Researchers at the University of Chicago have found that not getting enough sleep affects our appetite-regulating hormones, meaning that we feel hungrier the next day and are also more likely to crave calorie-rich, high-carbohydrate foods. Not only that, lack of sleep decreases willpower, meaning that you are less likely to resist those cravings. To help reduce your cravings, make sure you get a minimum of seven hours of sleep a night.


5 food cravings conquered

What your cravings really mean and how to overcome them

We all crave ‘bad’ foods from time to time, but your cravings could signal more than you think. Check out these hidden meanings behind five common food cravings and find out how you can overcome them.

What you crave: Chocolate

What you need: Magnesium

Chocolate is one of the world’s most commonly craved foods and, while you may feel as though you are addicted to the sweet treat, it is believed that what many of us are craving when we are hankering after some chocolate is in fact the mineral magnesium.
Beat your chocolate cravings by eating more magnesium-rich foods

Healthy food swaps: Dark chocolate, nuts and seeds, medjool dates

To help ease chocolate cravings, make sure that you are getting enough magnesium in your daily diet through healthy sources such as nuts, seeds and pulses. Also, when those chocolate cravings strike, try switching to 85 per cent dark chocolate. Although chocolate can be high in fat, dark chocolate also has plenty of health benefits due to its abundance of antioxidants. Some of the reported health benefits include its ability to slow down muscle ageing, fight disease, prevent wrinkles, boost brain health and prevent heart disease. If dark chocolate doesn’t hit the spot, try snacking on medjool dates, which are rich in magnesium and a natural solution to sugar cravings.

What you crave: Pasta and bread

What you need: Serotonin

Research has found that eating carbohydrates stimulates the brain’s production of serotonin – the happy hormone. This may be why many of us crave stodgy ‘comfort’ foods such as pasta and bread when we are feeling blue.

Healthy food swaps: Sweet potatoes, lentils, beans

To get a healthy fix of carbs (minus the blood sugar crashes and energy slumps) opt for nutritious and low GI carbohydrates which will release a steady supply of energy and keep you feeling full for longer. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include beans, lentils, oats and sweet potatoes. As well as switching your carbohydrate sources, you can also reduce cravings by boosting your serotonin levels through exercise and mood-boosting activities. Try using uplifting essential oils such as neroli and lemon which also stimulate the production of serotonin in the brain.

What you crave: Sugar

What you need: Chromium

We are all tempted by sugary treats and desserts from time to time. However, if you find yourself experiencing regular, intense cravings for sugar, this could be a symptom of low levels of the mineral chromium in your diet.

Healthy swap: Grape juice, whole grains, apples

To maintain normal blood sugar levels throughout the day and keep those cravings at bay, try to snack on foods rich in the mineral chromium. Apples and whole grains are good sources of chromium and can also provide healthier solutions to sugar cravings. Snack on apple slices or porridge sweetened with honey or dried fruit next time you are tempted to indulge. Try also replacing your sugary carbonated drink with a glass of antioxidant-rich grape juice, which is also a great source of chromium.

What you crave: Burgers

What you need: Iron

Craving burgers, sausages or steak? Intense and frequent cravings for red meat could be a sign that you are deficient in iron – an essential mineral which is required for the production of healthy red blood cells.

Healthy swap: Lean meat, fish, pulses, nuts

Unless you are opposed to eating meat for ethical reasons, craving meat is not necessarily a bad thing, so long as you make healthy choices. Rather than filling up on highly processed and fatty sources of meat such as burgers, opt for quality lean meat such as chicken or turkey. Alternatively, oily fish is a good source of iron and contains many other health-boosting nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids. For those who wish to refrain from eating meat, vegan sources of iron such as beans, lentils and nuts can help to ease your cravings.

What you crave: Salty snacks

What you need: To relax

You may think that your cravings for savory snacks are simply based on how good they taste, but research suggests your salt cravings could in fact be a symptom of stress. Research from the University of Cincinnati has shown that the sodium in salt blunts the body's natural responses to stress by inhibiting stress hormones, meaning that your cravings for salty foods could be your body’s attempt to deal with stress.

Healthy swap: Popcorn, baked potato, edamame beans

The best way to overcome stress-induced salt cravings is of course to find a healthier way to deal with stress. Experiment with different relaxation techniques, such as exercise, meditation or aromatherapy, to find one that works for you. If you are still craving salty snacks, opt for those rich in nutrients and low in fat (such as lightly salted popcorn) for a healthier option. As potassium can help to reduce the harmful effects of sodium on blood pressure and the heart, choose foods which are rich in potassium too, such as salted edamame beans or a lightly seasoned baked potato.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

A to Z of home exercise equipment

What home exercise equipment to buy

Not everyone enjoys outdoor activities, communal workouts at the gym or exercise classes but that doesn’t mean that the door is closed to you for all the health and fitness benefits that exercise brings. Exercising at home can be very rewarding and there is a vast range of home exercise equipment available, from fitness club standard multi-gyms, to much more basic, yet functional kit.
We’ve taken the sweat out of choosing home exercise equipment and given you the low-down on functional products that’ll improve your fitness but won’t worry your bank manager. If you like to workout far from the madding crowds in a more private environment, then this article is for you and includes advice on:
  • What to look for when shopping for home exercise equipment
  • Best buys — what exercise equipment is hot and what’s not
  • realbuzz.com ratings for a vast range of equipment
young woman exercising with dumbells on mat at home

 Home exercise equipment what to look out for

When choosing home exercise equipment, there are several points to consider before you buy:
Durability of exercise equipment. By definition, anything that you are going to exercise on or with is going to take some wear and tear, so before you buy, consider how frequently you intend to use the equipment (for example, daily, weekly or less frequently) and whether it will withstand your usage.
Size of exercise equipment. There are many extremely effective items of training equipment that you can easily use at home, such as dumbbells and exercise mats but items such as treadmills, bikes, rebounders etc. take up space which you may not have available. That ‘all singing and dancing’ multi-gym that looks great in the department store will need a dedicated room and even a rowing machine typically needs substantial space.
Suitability for your exercise purpose. The home exercise market is huge with a wide range of manufacturers producing equipment. Many items are extremely functional, but there is also a ‘fad and gadget’ market producing kit that purports to bring amazing benefits yet fails to deliver. Beware of wild claims from exercise equipment sellers and consult the following table before you buy.

The realbuzz.com home exercise equipment A to Z

Get to your nearest department store and you’ll be faced with a wide choice of exercise equipment. However, before you buy, consult the A to Z guide below in conjunction with our ‘best buys’ and you’ll ensure that you not only get good value for money — you’ll get good quality exercise too. The realbuzz.com rating is evaluated with respect to the following criteria:
  • Effectiveness (training benefits)
  • Ease of use
  • Durability of exercise equipment
  • Size (for home use)
  • Value for money 
The realbuzz.com product test system
 Every realbuzz.com product test is carried out by our team of specialists from the relevant field, who comprehensively assess each product across a range of categories, assigning a star rating from nil to five stars for every category under review.
Entirely unsuitable
Below average
RT = Resistance Training
FT = Flexibility Training
Cost (£)
CV Training
Abdominal cradleA tubular frame to help exercise stomach and oblique muscles.15-30  
Rating for abdominal cradle:
Cross-trainerA machine with a unique non-impact action for CV training.50-3,000 
Rating for cross-trainer:
Exercise mat
A wipe clean padded mat to carry out exercises on.5-20 
Rating for exercise mat:
Home dumbbell set
A small, lightweight set, typically comprising three to five pairs of weights.10-20  
Rating for dumbbell set:

Cost (£)
CV Training
Mini stepperMicro version of a stepping machine, usually portable.25-30 
Rating for mini stepper:
Multi-gymA large, multi-function piece of resistance training equipment.150-5,000  
Rating for multi-gym:
PedometerNot strictly a piece if exercise equipment, monitors how many steps you take per day.4-15   
Rating for pedometer:
RebounderA mini trampoline for CV exercising.20-40  
Rating for rebounder:

RT = Resistance Training
FT = Flexibility Training
Cost (£)
CV Training
Resistance bandsElastic ropes of varying strengths for resistance training.5-15  
Rating for resistance bands:
RowerAn indoor machine that replicates the rowing action.50-1,000 
Rating for rower:
Skipping rope
A simple item, providing an excellent CV workout, also helping coordination.5 (max)  
Rating for skipping rope:
Stability ball
A large inflatable ball to train core muscles and do a wide variety of exercises with.10-20 
Rating for stability ball:

Cost (£)
CV Training
Stationary bicycleIndoor cycling50-3,000 
Rating for stationary bicycle:
StepAn adjustable height plastic step for carrying out aerobic exercises on.10-40  
Rating for step:
Toning beltsAn abdominal belt which electronically stimulates muscles to tone up.30-100  
Rating for toning belts:
TreadmillA rolling road (usually motorized) for walking, jogging or running.80-5,000  
Rating for treadmill:

Home exercise training

Whilst it’s very easy to spend many hundreds or even thousands on home exercise equipment, a far more modest outlay can give equal and frequently greater training benefits. If you’re looking to splash out on some items for exercising at home, £30 to £70 will provide you with everything you need to get started and enjoy comprehensive, total body training sessions, covering CV, flexibility, resistance training for toning and coordination. Some basic dumbbells, an exercise mat, stability ball and skipping rope provide a cheap, simple ‘home gym’, on which you can always expand at a later date.
It doesn’t have to be hell to be healthy and it needn’t cost a fortune either. Choose your equipment with care and you’ll have all the ingredients to construct a balanced, all-over-body training program — and all in your own lounge, spare room or garage.
