Sunday 20 December 2015

10 ways to make this your best Christmas ever

How to make this Christmas extra special
We can’t show you how to make this Christmas a white one and we can’t make sure that lovely colleague of yours hovers under the mistletoe long enough for you to plant a kiss on their perfect lips, but we can show you how you can make some pretty small steps so that this Christmas is extra special.
Make this Christmas your best ever and Christmas tree

Enjoy the build up

Sometimes the best thing about Christmas is the expectant build up. Don’t let all the little things that make Christmas extra special pass you by in a blur of frantic present wrapping. To make this your best Christmas ever sit back, put your weary over-shopped feet up and take a big sip of your favourite festive mocha – your state of mind and Christmas spirit will thank you for it.

Christmas movie night

Everyone has a favourite Christmas movie, so why not invite a few of your friends round or gather up the family and arrange a Christmas movie night? The rules are this: everyone should bring one Christmas movie they love and a Christmas treat. Then you just need to sit back and enjoy It’s A Wonderful Life, Love Actually or, for those more action-packed movie fans, Die Hard.

Read a Christmas book

To make this Christmas your best ever you should definitely peruse the Christmas section at your bookstore. Imagine settling back into a comfy chair with a cheeky pre-Christmas drink whilst reading about plucky Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol or, for those of you who like a more humorous and modern read, Holidays On Ice by David Sedaris. If you often find yourself too frazzled around Christmas to pick up a book try a Christmas poetry anthology; The Oxford Book of Christmas Poems is a great choice.

Shop online

Okay, so the internet is nothing new but, despite the fact that you can buy pretty much everything online for less, people still traipse around overcrowded shops, only to get blasted by advertising and persuasive shop layouts that make us buy dud presents no one wants and have to queue for 25 minutes for the privilege of buying said gifts. Trust us, for the majority of the gifts you need to buy, you’re best to stick to online stores. You can shop around for the best price and look out for stores that offer a free delivery service.

Write a letter to Santa

Okay, so you may not have written a letter to Santa since you were nine years old but, although a little childish, this year posting a letter to the jolly feller who lives in Lapland might help you more than you could guess. Yet rather than adding material items to your wish list, write down some personal goals, like finding a new guy or girl or overcoming your fear of spiders. Then in your letter try to suggest ways Santa could help you achieve your goals come Christmas day. You might be surprised by the solutions that you write and what changes your wish list to Santa might create.
Gingerbread house and how to make this Christmas your best ever

Gingerbread house

What says Christmas more than a gingerbread house? If you’re not a dab hand in the kitchen, don’t worry; reach for your plastic and buy a cheap DIY gingerbread house kit. To make your gingerbread house that bit more special create it with your partner, friend or child and make it personal to you and your lives. Remember though, this Christmas activity can be tricky so stick to having a two to three person gingerbread house team to avoid creative hissy fits and a food fight.

Easy Christmas biscuit tree stack

This easy Christmas biscuit tree stack is simple, effective and will make you look like you’ve had Elf help this year. Simply make or buy a biscuit dough, cut out 10-14 stars (the stars need to go from large to small in size) and bake until cooked. Once cooled ice each biscuit with white icing. Once the icing is set stack the cookies; the largest star should sit at the bottom and the smallest star should sit at the top. Your holiday guests will love this stack.

Christmas tradition

The best way to make this your best Christmas ever is to start a new tradition. You could invite your family or friends to each buy a new Christmas decoration for your tree or you could go on a special Christmas eve walk and stop in at a cafe for a Christmas treat. Make your Christmas tradition something that you look forward to and make sure it’s meaningful to you.

Get the best wrapped present’s award

If you’re anything like us you’ll know that your dream of having elegant and perfectly neat Christmas presents to give to your loved ones is a dream that is never going to become a reality. Yet wait, we have good holiday news for you and your kin! Go to your local store and ask for their unwanted cardboard boxes. Then simply pop all of your awkward to wrap items into relevant boxes before wrapping. If you don’t have enough time for this devious wrapping trick just buy pretty boxes and add a bow or ribbon to decorate.

Get involved

The best way to make sure this is your best Christmas ever is to get involved in all the Christmas activities in your local community. Go ice skating, take part in a Santa run, go to your local carol service, visit the most decorated house in your area or go to a craft fair. Get involved with as much as you possibly can to make sure this Christmas is memorable and meaningful.

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