Monday 2 November 2015

10 ways to feel like the hottest girl in the room

How to feel beautiful

While we all have times when we don’t feel so confident, it is possible to ditch your low self-esteem and feel more beautiful. Whether you’re heading to an event, to work or out on a date, here are 10 ways to feel hotter instantly.
10 ways to feel like the hottest girl in the room

Stop obsessing

We girls can often be our own worst enemies, which is pretty disastrous for our self-esteem. To make sure your confidence is at an all time high, try to avoid the endless obsessing in front of the mirror that many of us subject ourselves to before we leave the house. Remember that the “huge” spot, frizzy hair or weight gain you are so fixated on will not be such a big deal for anyone else, so do yourself a favour and stop obsessing.

List your best qualities

To help you stop focusing on your least favourite features, it is helpful to switch the focus to the things that you do like about yourself. Whether it’s your flat stomach, your warm personality or your shiny hair, try to bring to mind any compliments you have had in the past or those things you know to be your best qualities, and write up a list of the reasons you should feel pretty hot.

Wear red

According to a survey by the British Heart Foundation, women feel more confident when they wear something red. Over a third of the women surveyed said that the colour red made them feel at their most confident. Whether you prefer red lipstick, red nails or a red dress or heels, strut your stuff in something red to help you look and feel your best.

Fake it

So you’re still not feeling very confident? No one need ever know! To feel like the hottest girl in the room, you need to give the impression that that’s what you are – and that all comes down to projecting confidence. As Sophia Loren said, “Sex appeal is fifty per cent what you’ve got and fifty per cent what people think you’ve got.” Smile lots, chat with new people and give the impression of generally being at ease with yourself and you will instantly increase your attractiveness.

Have a last-minute workout

While regular exercise is the best route to a great body, some last-minute toning before an event can help you look and feel better. To emphasise any muscles on show and/or stomach muscles, give them a workout with some last-minute targeted exercises, such as sit-ups, lunges and bicep curls. The rush of blood to your muscles will temporarily tighten them up to leave them looking more defined. Not only that, the endorphins released by exercise will help you feel more self-confident.

Revamp your look

There’s nothing to help you feel beautiful and confident like a brand new look. Whether you fancy a new hairdo or a makeup makeover, put yourself in the hands of the professionals and let them work their magic. Book into a salon to get your makeup done, opt for a free mini makeover at a department store counter, or head to the hairdressers for a colour and cut. Not only will you look a million dollars but you will feel it too.

Accentuate your best features

It may sound obvious, but to increase your self-esteem it can help to make an extra effort to accentuate your best features. Rather than reaching for something comfortable that hides your figure, take some time to work out your body shape and think about what suits your body. As well as making the most of your body shape, you can also use your makeup to emphasise your best facial features. Play up your eyes or lips or enhance your killer cheekbones with some contouring makeup.

Pamper yourself

Indulging in a bit of pampering is a great way to get in a happy frame of mind and feel great about your appearance. Try some easy at-home pampering treatments such as a body scrub, deep conditioning hair treatment, milk bath or DIY facial to give yourself a natural glow that will have you looking and feeling hotter than ever.

Get a celebrity smile

Research has found that people who smile more are considered more attractive, which is a good enough reason to flash those pearly whites. However, if your teeth are looking a little on the yellow side, you can still pull off a dazzling smile. To make your teeth look instantly whiter, try using a cool-toned red or pink lipstick with blue undertones, and steer clear of yellow or orange toned lipsticks which will emphasise yellow teeth.

Remember you’re hotter than you think you are

According to research by Dove only two per cent of women think they are beautiful, and only 5 per cent feel comfortable describing themselves as pretty, yet it seems that many women are oblivious to their own attractiveness. Research shows that others see us as 20 per cent more attractive than we think we are, as they take in the full picture, including our personality. Therefore, regardless of where you fall on the scale of attractiveness and regardless of how you feel, it is important to remember that you are likely to be more attractive than you perceive yourself to be.

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