Monday 30 June 2014

Healthy Drinks & Snacks

Originating in Mexico, this fantastic recipe has become a worldwide favourite. The primary ingredient is the rich in protein avocado; in fact it has the highest protein and oil content of any fruit. This fruit has been popular for some time and was in fact favoured by the Aztecs due to its high fat content.

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Recovery smoothie

Relax and enjoy this mix of fruit, fantastic for getting a great amount of your vitamins in one sitting. This juicy combination is not only packed with vitamin A and C but dietary fiber, niacin and potassium too.

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Avocado and cucumber lassi

A ‘lassi' is an Indian yogurt drink — the Indian version of a smoothie, really. It tends to be made with thick creamy yogurt, but I find that the avocado makes it creamy enough, so I use a mix of low-fat yogurt and skimmed milk. A fantastic way to drink your veggies, this is a high-energy power drink, yet the addition of the mint and the cucumber makes it taste light and fresh.

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Beetroot, apple, carrot and watercress iron boost

This juice gives you a real boost of iron, folic acid, essential minerals and anti-oxidants. What is more, the vitamin C in the vegetables and the apple juice help your body to absorb the iron. The watercress adds a lovely spicy, peppery taste and balances really well with the sweetness of the carrot and beetroot.

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Pear and watercress wake-up juice

This juice is perfect to wake you up first thing in the morning and goes down very well with a date and walnut breakfast muffin. Rich in vitamin C, B1, B6, K, E, beta-carotene, anti-oxidants and essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium and potassium, this juice is really a 'superdrink'.

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Banana, mango and pineapple power smoothie

The marriage of mango, banana, pineapple and lime is one which really is made in heaven. Not only does it conjure up images of tropical beaches, it also provides a hefty portion of beta-carotene, folic acid, fibre, vitamins B, C and E and essential minerals. The skimmed milk also adds protein and calcium. 

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Tomato and chilli zinger

This drink will give you a real boost. It is absolutely packed with vitamins and minerals and the little added spice is perfect if you need to give yourself a kick-start. Tomatoes are absolutely brimming with vitamin C and anti-oxidants and it is now widely accepted that a diet high in tomatoes will help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of cancer, especially colon and prostate cancer.

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Strawberry mint vitamin rush

Just the color of this vivid red juice should wake you up and put a smile on your face! Rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, biotin, vitamin C, minerals and small amounts of B vitamins, this juice not only tastes fantastic but will make you feel alert and ready to take on the world. With high levels of potassium and anti-oxidants and more vitamin C than citrus fruit by weight, strawberries may even help prevent cancer and heart disease.

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Ginger-melon runners' rescue remedy

Melon has a higher G.I. than most fruit; it has a high water content and it is particularly refreshing. Athletes will often eat melon to recover and rehydrate straight after a long exercise session for this reason. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory qualities, so make up this juice in advance and let it work on your tired muscles as soon as you get back from your hot and sweaty workout ... or just enjoy it as a delicious and refreshing drink the next time you are thirsty.

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Malty fruit bars

These are great energy bars; soft, chewy and full of goodness. They make a superb body fuel for both before and after sport, but are equally good as a healthy afternoon snack. My version includes malt extract, a fantastic high-carb sugar, which really adds to the flavor and the texture. You can get it in health food shops and big supermarkets. If you cannot find it, you could use molasses instead.

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Blueberry and banana recovery smoothie

Quite often after a long run or a lengthy bike ride, my appetite isn’t that great. But it is critical for your recovery that you eat and or drink as soon as possible. It is well documented that the 10 minutes post exercise window is the optimum time to re-fuel.  For me there is nothing I love more than smoothies because they are cheap, easy and convenient to make. My blueberry and banana smoothie is the perfect balance of carbohydrate and protein and it’s also very easy to digest. I suggest you use soya milk or brown rice milk as opposed to cows’ milk, but cows’ milk is fine if you prefer.

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