Tuesday 13 May 2014

Vitamins To Support Your Life At Every Age

Your body's needs from its nutrition and exercise changes with your age and lifestyle, we take a look at the foods and supplements we need to support us through every life stage

With the best will in the world, most of us will experience a time where we're super busy, stressed, not getting enough sleep, eating badly or drinking too much.
Your body is tough and can withstand a bit of over-use. But it's designed to work in combination with what you give it - namely, good food and drink that contains vital nutrients that help it cope with all the many things we ask of it.Get your diet right and you'll be this happy (Rex)
From too much alcohol to bringing up children, most women's lives have periods of chaos where remembering to eat the right amount of fruit, veg and oily fish a week are the last things on our to-do list.
But prolonged periods where we ask too much of our bodies can take their toll, zapping our energy, making us age prematurely, and making us so run down we pick up every cough and cold going. But you have a secret weapon in your health arsenal: Good food packed with supportive nutrients.
[The best foods for beating stress]
[Five vitamins that could change your life]
Whatever your age, Nature's Best nutritionist Moyra Cosgrove has some recommendations everyone can benefit from:
Test your levels. There's no point supplementing micronutrients that you have enough of. If you have deficiency symptoms, speak to your doctor about getting tested so you know what to supplement, if anything.
A good multivitamin. Having said that, unless your diet is exemplary, modern lifestyles mean it's unlikely you're getting everything you need, particularly if you drink, don't get your eight hours sleep or are in training for a sporting event. Get a gender-specific back up in the form of a pill. Moyra recommends Premtis for women.
Eat enough protein. Your body needs this macronutrient for repair as well as energy. If you don't eat enough, consider protein shakes. But don't eat them on top of meals and snacks. They should replace a snack. Particularly good if you head to the gym after work, to give you the energy you need to get more out of your workout.
Fish oils. Supplement if you know you don't eat two portions of oily fish or rely on processed or fast foods for dinner.
Green coffee extract. Using it as part of a healthy diet and exercise programme can help fat burning.
Don't over do it. Excess vitamins and minerals won't benefit you and could do you harm.
Sleep. There are many ways to help you sleep and it's vital to allow your body time to use the nutrients you've given it. If you're struggling, try magnesium before bed as this can aid muscle relaxing.
Always have breakfast. Coffee isn't breakfast.

In addition, at different times in our life, we need a bit of extra help.
Women in their 20s
Drinking, partying, late nights, hard work, stress
Cheat sheet:
Vitamin D3 (Comes from the sun, also found in small amounts in egg yolks and oily fish)
Magnesium (Leafy veg, nuts and seeds, fish)
Folic acid (Vegetables, fruit, eggs, wholegrains, fortified cereals)
B Vitamins (Wholegrains, fortified foods, vegetables, lean meats)
Milk Thistle supplements to counteract effects of alcohol
Women in their 30s
Hard work, stress, starting a family, childcare responsibilities, lack of sleep
Cheat sheet:If you're starting a family: fertility/pregnancy-specific multi-vitamin containing folic acid
Vitamin D3
Fish Oils
Siberia Ginseng (for stress)

Women in their 40s
Weight loss, health wake-up calls, stress, childcare, lack of sleep, premenopause
Cheat sheet:Plant sterols (to lower cholesterol and blood pressure)
Increase protein for weight loss (and decrease refined carbs and processed foods)
CoQ10 for a health heart
Valerian to help with sleep
You also don't need to suplement constantly. Instead, supplements can help you deal with difficult times where you're body needs extra support or your diet just isn't cutting it. Replenish your stores for three months and then rely on a healthy diet to keep them going.
And listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs.


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