Monday 24 March 2014

Healthy Vegetarian Recipes

Conchiglioni with roasted tomato sauce

Conchiglioni are basically enormous pasta shells — you can find them on the pasta shelf of most supermarkets. The conchiglioni and the tomatoes have a low glycaemic index, making the dish ideal for the night before a big workout. In fact, this is one of my favourite pre-race meals as it is so light on the stomach. The tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and B vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorous and calcium) and are also a good source of fiber and the antioxidant lycopene (good for fighting disease). The cheese adds a little protein to the dish.

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Courgette pasta millefeuille with a tomato salad

Courgettes are delicious, easy to cook, low in calories with a good amount of vitamins A and C, plus folic acid and potassium. This is my healthy version of a millefeuille — a traditional cream cake available in patisseries in France made with layers of puff pastry and custard cream. We swap the layers of pastry with fresh lasagne sheets, and the custard cream with griddled courgettes, peppers, feta cheese and a basil dressing.

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Spaghetti with fresh herbs

Sometimes the simplest things are the best. In Italy, pasta with fresh herbs is cooked as a staple dish, rather like beans on toast in Britain! Not only is this one of the quickest dishes to make, it is great food for endurance: high in low G.I. carbohydrate, light on the stomach, plenty of vitamins from the herbs and garlic, plus a little protein from the cheese. Anchovies are really high in sodium, so adding these is a really good way of naturally increasing salt intake after a hot and sweaty workout. Good herbs to use are flat-leaf parsley, basil, chives, mint, marjoram, oregano ... whatever you can lay your hands on.

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Lebanese couscous salad with griddled vegetables and a spiced yoghurt sauce

We often make a large amount of this salad and keep it in the fridge to snack on when we train. It keeps for two to three days in the fridge and the flavors seem to improve over this time. It is not only packed with vitamins from the herbs and vegetables, but the couscous is a good low-fat, slow-burning carbohydrate. If you are planning to go to the gym after work, put a tub of this in your lunch box.

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Chickpea and flageolet bean soup

This soup is a meal itself, it is very easy to make and is great for endurance. Beans and pulses are a very healthy alternative low G.I. carbohydrate to rice, pasta and couscous. You can experiment with different types of bean — flageolet and chickpeas work well, but you might want to try butter beans or borlotti beans.

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Root vegetable winter broth

One thing that’s certain is that over the festive season we all eat a little bit out of the ordinary. With so many temptations it's not uncommon to consume double your normal-allocated calorie intake and then some (this is not an open challenge!)

My take on the classic broth uses a lot of seasonal root vegetables. Carbohydrate comes in the form of pearl barley (which can be replaced with brown rice) because this grain holds it’s firm texture really well. And the lean protein in the turkey also doesn't break down when re-heated. Start to finish, this low calorie but hearty and healthy broth takes less than an hour to prepare and cook. So hopefully this will kick start your healthy New Year.

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