Friday 17 January 2014

5 best foods for women

5 best foods for women


Folate? Check. Magnesium? Check. Iron? Check! Is there anything spinach doesn’t have? Its iron content will keep your energy levels up, not to mention keep your iron-levels healthy – especially important during menstruation, as according to NHS advice, periods are the most common cause of iron deficiency anaemia. Spinach’s vitamin B6 and folate content are essential for the brain's ability to produce mood-boosting serotonin – another bonus for mood swings during PMS. A great bonus for women, spinach also contains lutein which is known to keep eyes healthy and bright – who needs false lashes?


Not only is yoghurt a delicious, versatile snack, its high calcium content helps build healthy bones, which is great news for women as according to the National Osteoporosis Society, one in two women in the UK will break a bone because of poor bone health. Its rich calcium content can also help ease mood swings, depression and anxiety, not to mention the probiotic content in some yoghurt can improve digestion. Enjoy with berries, honey and nuts as a brill breakfast, super snack or smoothie. 


A superfood that will boost fertility, lower cholesterol and double up as a beauty product? Yes please. Avocado is one of the best foods for women as it can multitask just like them. Containing monounsaturated fatty acids, a study published by the American Diabetes Association found that diets containing such good fats could help the loss of stomach fat. Avocado also contains folate, which helps boost fertility, and, if you fancy a change from eating it in salads and with your scrambled egg, try mashing it up and applying it as a hair or face mask for glossy, enriched results thanks to the antioxidants, essential oils and amino acids.


Not only do many women have to put up with bloating during their period, but menstrual cramps too. One of the best foods for women to combat cramps is pineapple. Pineapple contains the natural enzyme bromelain, which helps to relax muscles, thus easing menstrual cramps. Pineapple also provides a healthy dose of vitamin c, which is great news for your skin as it helps to form collagen and elastin while protecting cells.

Pumpkin seeds

It is safe to say that every woman wants more beauty sleep, higher energy levels and an increased libido, right? Thanks to the wonder food that is pumpkin seeds, women can achieve all of that with a hearty handful of the seeds each day, scattered on their porridge or over a salad. Pumpkin seeds contain L-tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin, and serotonin is known to improve mood and promote sound sleep – goodbye dark circles! What’s more, their fibre and iron content is the perfect duo to aid weight loss, making them the ideal detox buddy.

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