Thursday 25 April 2013



Written records from the ancient Greek and Chinese civilizations, dating back several thousand years, refer to spinal manipulation. The inception of modern chiropractic can be traced back to 1895 when Canadian Daniel David Palmer performed the first chiropractic adjustment and went on to found The Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa in 1897.
The 20th century saw the growth and development of the profession worldwide, gaining recognition and respect for the place it has taken in the primary care environment. Influential research has underpinned the development of the profession and has come both from both within and outside of the chiropractic research communities.
Chiropractic is unique in that the profession is organised internationally and there are international standards for education.


Chiropractic is a primary health-care profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine.
Chiropractic treatment mainly involves safe, often gentle, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly. Apart from manipulation, chiropractors may use a variety of techniques including ice, heat, ultrasound, exercise and acupuncture as well as advice about posture and lifestyle.
Although chiropractors are best known for treating back and neck pain, which they do very well, patients also consult chiropractors regarding a range of other, related conditions.

General Advice

Whether at home, at work or at play, you put your body through a lot each and everyday. Loss of joint movement may be caused by factors including your everyday lifestyle or just simple wear and tear.
People of all ages and from all walks of life may benefit from chiropractic treatment. People with a range of musculoskeletal (problems with the joints, bones and muscles), particularly back pain, consult chiropractors.
Treatment consists of a wide range of manipulation techniques (some very gentle) designed to improve the function of the joints, relieving pain and muscle spasm. Such skilled manipulation is very specific, directed at individual joints in order to reduce strains and improve mobility in one area without disturbing another.

Because chiropractors understand the underlying stresses that the body can be put under, they can also advise you about preventative measures to try and avoid causing damage or injury.

BCA chiropractors support the treatment they offer with individual advice about the patient's lifestyle, work and exercise, in order to help in managing the condition and preventing a recurrence of the problem.

If you have a specific question regarding chiropractic treatment, talk to a BCA member in your local area (use the Find a Chiropractor feature on this site) or you can contact the British Chiropractic Association on:
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