Monday 29 September 2014

Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days! Lose it!

Burn Fat In 4 Minutes - Tabata Workout #1 - Live Lean TV

A Must try workout. What do you think?

Friday 19 September 2014

Top 10 motivational quotes for dieters

Amazing quotes to help your dieting journey

Want to diet more effectively? It’s a long tough road, but when you get to the end you’ll feel and look amazing. To help you out, we’ve put together these 10 motivational quotes that will turn you into a champion dieter in no time at all.
Top 10 motivational quotes for dieters

“The groundwork of all happiness is health” – Leigh Hunt

Did you know that people at a healthy weight are generally happier than those who are overweight? According to a study carried out at Leiden University, overweight people are more prone to depression. That means if you stick to your diet and lose weight not only will you look amazing, you’ll also feel much happier in your day-to-day life!

“It took more than a day to put it on. It will take more than a day to take it off.” - Anonymous

Dieting is not an instant process, and that’s why it’s hard. But that’s also why it’s worth doing. Don’t be dismayed when you haven’t dropped four dress sizes in a week, or wonder where your washboard abs are after a day of eating healthily. Results from dieting take time, but when they do come they’re definitely worth it.

“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.” – Errick McAdams

This quote goes hand in hand with the classic “never go to the supermarket hungry”. Filling your home with healthy nutritious food is the first step to dieting success, and will get you into the habit of eating healthily quicker than you might think. You’re much less likely to have a sneaky bowl of ice cream if you have to go all the way to the store to buy it.

“It takes five minutes to consume 500 calories. It takes two hours to burn them off.” – Anonymous

One of the pitfalls of dieting is all of your hard work can be undone by one moment of weakness. Next time you’re thinking of reaching for the junk food, just remember every ounce of sweat and determination that has gone into your weight loss so far. Is that muffin really worth throwing all of that away for? The answer is no.

“One must eat to live, not live to eat.” - Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

At the start of your diet you might find yourself desperately counting down the hours until your next meal. However, this feeling will soon pass. When you get into the habit of eating healthily it will become second nature, and that’s when you’ll really start to lose weight.

“Exercising should be about rewarding the body with endorphins and strength. Not about punishing your body for what you’ve eaten.” - Anonymous

If you use exercise as an excuse to cheat on your diet, you’ll never get anywhere. Successful dieters understand that eating healthily and exercising work best when used together, rather than on their own. Just because you’ve been to the gym in the morning, doesn’t mean you can have fast food and chocolate for lunch. All you’ll be doing is eating away your hard work.

“Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork” – Old English Proverb

Ask yourself this; why do you want to diet? Is there a hot new guy at the office you want to impress? Were you tagged in a bad picture on Facebook? Those reasons are all well and good if they make you eat well, but when it comes down to it you need to remember that what you eat hugely affects your health. If you eat healthily you’ll feel better, have more energy, and ultimately live longer.

“Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality” – Ralph Marston

Dieting is a fantastic thing, because if you do it properly you know that you will reach your goals. The only thing standing in the way of you and a healthy weight is your own doubts, fears and will power. Once you learn to control them it’s simply a case of learning to follow your diet until you reach your target weight and stay there.

“An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.” – Irv Kupcinet

Whilst there’s technically never a bad time to start a diet, there are definitely some days that will make it harder than others. Give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding by starting your diet on a quiet day when you know that you can control what you eat. Failing your diet instantly by starting it on Christmas day or before a birthday meal in a restaurant will just leave you feeling demotivated before you’ve even begun.

“You don’t drown by falling in water. You drown by staying there” – Anonymous

No matter what weight you’re at now, that’s not an excuse for avoiding dieting. The amount of work you have to put in might be daunting, but it’s never going to get any less until you actually start. Staying at an unhealthy weight is never a good idea, and if you accept your fate all you’re going to do is gain even more. So, are you going to start swimming, or are you going to let yourself drown?

Thursday 18 September 2014

Top 20 ways to feel great this winter

How to treat yourself this winter

It can be tough getting through the winter months. Lack of daylight can affect our moods, and the biting cold can affect our bones, skin and generally make us feel significantly worse than we would on a bright summer’s day.
There are things you can do to beat the winter blues! Read on for our top 20 ways to feel amazing this winter…
Feel amazing this winter
  • Boost your immunityWinter is a time when we are more prone to catching colds and flu, so ensure you eat a healthy balanced diet including plenty of fruit and veg.
  • Take up a winter sportIf you ever fancied having a go at a particular winter sport, then winter is obviously the time to do it!
  • Revamp your lookGive yourself a new look, whether it be getting a new hairstyle or buying a new wardrobe.
  • Get pamperedTake yourself to a health spa to be pampered from head to toe.
  • Treat yourselfBuy yourself one luxury item that you may have been promising yourself, but never got round to buying. Don’t relying on someone finally getting you it for Christmas!
  • MoisturiseOutdoor exposure and dry centrally heated homes rob your skin of its moisture during the winter. That leaves lots of dead, dry skin cells, so exfoliate and moisturize.
  • Get activeIf it's too cold outside for you, then attend a session of aerobics, yoga, circuit training or take up an indoor sport. Any form of exercise will make you feel better and more relaxed.

  • Feel amazing this winter
    • Catch up on your sleepLonger hours of darkness make it easier to sleep, so take advantage. We all know how good we feel after a good night’s sleep, but don’t get too much as this often has the effect of making you feel even more sluggish.
    • Take a winter breakA break will inevitably make us feel better. Head for some winter sun or invigorate yourself with some exciting winter sports.
    • Get out in the daylightDaylight makes us feel better, and even though it is limited in winter, we should still try to maximize our exposure to it. Perhaps take a short walk at lunchtime if it is sunny.
    • Let the light inIf you’re not keen on going out in the winter sun, then raise the blinds and let the light shine in.
    • Bring plants into the housePlants will lift your spirits and give you a taste of eternal summer.
    • Bring some color into your homeThe color orange is meant to be cheering.
    • Relax and meditateUse the time indoors to relax, perhaps with some candles or essential oils and meditate.
    • Have a massageEase your aching limbs and creaking joints with either a self-massage or rope in a friend to do it for you.
    • Clear out the clutterIn winter we tend to spend more hours indoor, so use this time to clear out the clutter and do the jobs we may have been putting off.
    • Spend more time with friendsIf we are spending more time indoors, then why not visit friends or invite them round. It will ease your conscience, if you have been neglecting your pals during the summer.
    • Enjoy a drop of the hard stuffIndulge occasionally in a nice warming drink, such as mulled wine or even a wee dram.
    • Start setting targetsStart thinking positively about your aims for the New Year, including any changes to your lifestyle you intend following.
    • Join a gymExercise is a great way to energize yourself and feel amazing. If you don’t feel like playing sport outside you could exercise in the comfort of your local gym. Make the most of the sauna, Jacuzzi or steam room to relax at the end of your sessions.